Landscape Photography – Driving rain, gale force winds, and a race against the clock


Driving rain, gale force winds, and a race against the clock stand in my way of capturing a dramatic sunset in this landscape photography vlog.

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In this week’s landscape photography vlog I head back to North Yorkshire, close to where I grew up, to capture the famous Teesside landmark of Roseberry Topping.

Recent landscape photography vlogs have seen me enjoying some pretty good weather. Since I hurt my back, the weather has been really poor. Today I decided to head out and brave the conditions in the hope of some great sunset photography. Sometimes when the weather forecast indicates a slight improvement at the end of the day, it can mean something spectacular.

For this trip I set off late in the day and also got held up in traffic. It created and unintended race against the clock to shoot the photography vlog, capture some images and be in position for the sunset. My aim was to climb up Roseberry Topping, capture a couple of images and be over to a second location in time for some sunset photography.

Despite the challenges the day ended with a spectacular image of Roseberry Topping. The iconic hill and surrounding landscape were bathed in golden light for a few moments as the sun found a gap between the clouds. I took my moment, having already composed, and created a photograph that I am proud of. Great reward for a challenging day of shooting.

My video photography blogs are designed to entertain and document how I go about capturing my work. If it provides landscape photography tips and inspiration along the way then please share it with your friends so more people can benefit from the content. If you enjoyed this photography vlog I would really appreciate it if you subscribed to the channel so you can come along for the journey.

  1. Markus says

    Rain = liquid sunshine πŸ˜‰
    good stuff – and thx for taking us with you

  2. Yamanotefy says

    Brave one Adam! πŸ˜‰
    In the last second of the final timelapse you could see people on top of Roseberry Topping.

  3. William Loke says

    Hey Adam! I love your videos. They always feel like an adventure! I use spotify for podcasts because it's just so easy to access and I'd be really glad if you could put your podcasts up on that platform!:)

  4. Dennis C says

    could you go through your editing process on how you created the final image please.

  5. Mick Vollans says

    Another great video Adam. Your videos always inspire me to get out there.
    Mick the milk

  6. Alan Brunelle says

    An image well-worth working and waiting for – thanks much Adam for sharing your expertise and artistry!

  7. Pauline Follett says

    Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Good to see you back and excited about landscapes again.

  8. D says

    Another great video, thanks for sharing πŸ™‚

  9. opendrivers says


  10. Craig Skinner photography says

    Great video Adam, I'd been looking forward to the Roseberry video you promised a while back πŸ‘πŸ»Need to get back up there myself, it's been too long!

  11. Tony Neat says

    I'm loving that first time lapse Adam. Superb πŸ˜‰

  12. Derek Willson says

    Well done Adam, bags of enthusiasm and some great images thanks very much, Derek

  13. Ste365 says

    Great video as usual πŸ‘ do you mind me asking which lens you use for your landscape photos? I'm looking to improve on my Nikon 70-200, any particular ones to aim for squire?

  14. PhotoNinja says

    Lovely images mateπŸ‘πŸ»

  15. Rob Outen Photography says

    Superb vlog Adam, just shows that making the most of the great British weather really pays off.

  16. Malkys vids and images says

    brings back memories been up there a few times auntie lives in Yarm great the cleveland hills nice video Adam great enthusiasm

  17. Bill Meador says

    Spot on, you have to get out there if you want to make pictures!

  18. Heath L Barbier says

    Great video!

  19. Petru B. says

    how did you process those brackets?

  20. Skott Beal says

    These landscape vlogs are everything! It makes me want to get out there after my exams. Great work Adam πŸ˜€

  21. Ozzy Paul says

    Great to have you up and running again Adam, I hope your back improves mate.

  22. Mallu's Tech says

    please do less talk and show some good technique and good snaps

  23. Virtual Turtle says

    Awesome video. Made me subscribe. Seriously keep up these travel/adventure & photography videos πŸ˜€

  24. Brian Andersen says

    Super good pictures you made. I can see it's anxious to live in a country that's flat like a pancake. There are no mountains in Denmark.
    Vh Brian

  25. Brian Andersen says

    Super good and look positive as there are YouTube videos. Thanks for a video with a good mood good day. Regards Brian (Denmark)

  26. Mark Bray says

    Well worth it Adam love the images.

  27. James Cameron says

    Another great shot Adam and the blog is as ever full of energy and passion, keep it up.

  28. jeff stephenson says

    Hi Adam I loved your final image with the sunset.
    Just a thought you said in a earlier comment to Paul Johnston about getting together some time wouldn't it make a great vlog for yourself Paul & Tom Heaton to do a landscape shoot let's face it yous don't live that far away from one another.

  29. Paul Bell says

    Just goes to show what you can achieve if you're brave enough to take a chance on the weather. Another excellent video mate – stunning images πŸ‘πŸ‘

  30. Teresa hikes says

    ooh I love that time lapse..seeing the rain come down was neat. beautiful photo.

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