Professional Photoshop Portrait Retouching – Part III – Removing Unwanted Detail


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Welcome to Part III of the Professional Photoshop Retouching Series on SLR Lounge. It is time to get to retouching!

In this Photoshop video tutorial, we are going to begin removing unwanted detail from our photo. We will be using the healing brush presets that we setup in the previous tutorial, so be sure to watch the previous videos so you can achieve the same results.

Keep in mind that in this tutorial we are removing unwanted detail. There are certain types of details such as eye lines and smile lines that you want to diminish, not remove. We will cover how to diminish lines in a future tutorial. Enjoy!

  1. reverie kt says

    this is a perfect tutorial

  2. Marilyn R says

    I don't think so, I can hear his mouse clicking

  3. RoloEdits says

    are you using a pen

  4. PyeJirsa says

    Not sure exactly what you mean?

  5. TUTIMIO123 says

    i wanna ask do you only work for your self or for the public too?

  6. babolatpdtp says

    Awesome tutorials. Hope you keep making them!

  7. Francesco Tosi says

    why don't use the spot healing brush on a transparent layer, instead of a copied layer?
    with a transparent layer you will be able to fade the adjustment, and if you want to remove some adjustement you don't like you can simply delete them with the eraser.

  8. Paul Blackman says

    These videos need alot more views!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Jose Calvo says

    Great tutorials! Among the very best on the internet!

  10. moviecrazy808 says

    awesome tut…..thanks for your hard work…..

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