3 DIY PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS to Create Depth in Studio Portraits and Modeling Shots


In this video I demonstrate 3 DIY photography tips that you can use to create depth in your studio portraits and modeling shots.

Using simple things like water and hair spray I will show you how you can use these do it yourself techniques with a speed light, a pocket flash or a studio strobe to create dramatic studio portraits.

Solid colored paper backgrounds are great when shooting studio portraits and modeling shots because they let you isolate your subject and since they come in different colors they are very versatile – if you have enough money to buy every color. I already showed you that gray is the most versatile color for portrait photography because you can turn it into any color with gels on your flash or strobe like the Interfit Honey Badger.

But even with all the possible combinations of colored backgrounds and gels – sometimes you are going to want more from your studio lighting. A little something to jazz up that seamless paper background and create some depth.

New photographers are taught that especially with a dark background – you should separate your portrait subject from the background visually with a rim light or a hair light – so that you don’t wind up with a floating head. This too is a great technique – but it is just one more tool that you have to jazz up your backgrounds and indeed – sometimes you want something a little more.

Another DIY studio lighting trick is to actually place an object or some kind of material between your subject and the background to create the feeling of depth. While this works – you do need to be careful that you aren’t making your shot too busy – and stealing attention from your subject.

One of my favorite tricks is to use WATER and a black seamless paper background. Get a spray bottle like this one that you can order on Amazon or find at a hardware store or even some times at a dollar store. The bigger the better because you do want the spray to travel.

Atmosphere Aerosol:
AquaNet Hairspray:
Water Bottle:
Savage Seamless Paper Backgrounds:
Interfit Honey Badgers:


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FTC Disclosure: No sponsors have paid for or provided equipment or material shown in this video
#ishootpeople #joeedelman

  1. Joe Edelman says

    I would LOVE to see the shots that you create with these techniques! Be sure to join my Facebook group so that you can share! https://tog.chat/fbgroup

  2. Valerie Begley says

    Get ideas and video! Thanks for sharing

  3. wullie G says

    Hey Joe!.
    I got a mass metre white tarp to try these tips.

  4. David Pittman Salaam says

    Love it!!!

  5. Gianni Di Leo says

    Joe, you are a vulcan of creativity erupting ideas! THANK YOU!

  6. Lucas van Ginneken says

    Thanks for sharing Joe! I loved the video and made some pretty cool photos

  7. Robert De Paulis says

    5th tip PARTY POPPERS

  8. Oshi says

    One of the best photography you tubers clear instructions and tips

  9. Sanduni Chaaya says

    You are a great teacher.thanks🙂

  10. taz24787 says

    Who would dislike this video?!?!?! … Someone needs a shrink.

  11. Proud Indian says

    As usual awesome video from Joe.

  12. Eric M says

    Thanks for all your videos Joe! I recently subscribed to your channel and have been binge watching and taking notes. I am in my 50's and just picking up the hobby now trying to get my pics to be more than snapshots and trying to decide how much to invest in stuff if I want to take it to a next level. Thanks to your videos, I'm realizing I already have enough stuff (at least for now) and really just need to study, think, practice, imagine and explore while keeping my money in my wallet while I just try to focus on having some fun shooting and creating.

  13. Gabriel ES says

    After watching any of your videos, I always feel like taking my camera and start having fun. Thank you.

  14. Luis Salazar says

    Great job 😎

  15. Sparkle Naturally says

    I am not a professional photographer, but your tips are VERY helpful, you explain them so well that even a beginner like me can follow along, I love the water spray background! Thanks!

  16. supertotoro says

    When I watch your videos I like the video before the first ad is over. Never been disappointed by any of your videos so far.

  17. Toddler Videos says

    Awesome video. So much great info and amazing pics. Thank you.

  18. TechFit360 says

    This is absolutely amazing Joe. I have my Gray Wall Now!

  19. Theresa Rice says


  20. Paul Bernardi says

    Awesome advise as always Joe! Thanks for sharing your tricks with us all.

  21. Zombiesniper says

    Great ideas and I can confirm that I would never let one of my smoke machines loose in the studio. lol

  22. Chaz Madge says

    Hair spray is flammable

  23. Becki Geiger says

    I feel like I learn 100 new things whenever I watch a video or speak with you! YOU’RE FREAKING AWESOME!

  24. Greg Wallis says

    Nice to see you back, Joe.

  25. Eddy Lara says

    How's it possible that I came to your channel only a couple hours ago??? Absolutely loved your content, keep up the good work man, greetings from Colombia 😎📷

  26. mopimops says

    great video!

  27. Eric B says

    Thank you Joe for this show, this video and share of another nice and helpful and creative experience ! I share it immediately with my community ! Super !

  28. Vasiliy Ivanishvili says

    thanks for tips, joe! very iseful infos!

  29. Jack Spade says

    I can only assume the one person who "thumbed down" the video is someone with either lives in a drought zone (they can't waste water) or someone who lives in a flood zone (too much water is feared).

  30. TASPP Alex Schwarz says

    Cool Idea! Grrrrreeeeeeetings, Alex

  31. Jimmy Hill says

    Oh God, ANYTHING but AquaNet!!! Growing up in the 80's, my sister went through several cans a week. You remember those hairstyles, don't you. That stuff got EVERYWHERE. All over the bathroom sink, the floor, the mirror… My mother practically needed a paint scraper to get the stuff up 🙂

  32. dunnymonster says

    Excellent stuff Joe 😊

  33. Afif Cherif says

    great job joe. your awesome. AFIF

  34. Darth Sillius says

    Another great video. Thanks so much Joe!

  35. PhotographyBABAK says

    Great tips – smoke in a can sounds good for this and many other types of shoots.

  36. RS says

    Joe always delivers 😉
    Thanks for sharing

  37. Carlos Rosa says

    Love it: "Photography is not a competition, it's a share" but unfortunately a lot photographers out there believe otherwise. I love your ideias and I'm very eager to try out, just waiting for my new camera and I will do some stuff.
    Thanks for all the help, Really Appreciate.

  38. Al B says

    Great information, thanks Joe. Saw you do this in the Vegas video, but the extra information and always really appreciated!

  39. D-Mack says

    Great vid Joe I'll be trying this very soon.

  40. BODYSNATCHA says

    what someone has tried before for smoke as to not smoke up the place , i let them use it once but wasn't feeling the type of smoke, but those portable hookah blowers give a controlled area without filling up the place. actually works great. id look into a non nicotine version and give it a second whirl

  41. BODYSNATCHA says

    hey joe where can i get that mannequin??

  42. Facundo Peralta says

    Love it! Thank you so much! ♥
    Best wishes from Argentina! 😀

  43. shen long says

    can't wait for the next tutorial

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