Lighting, Logistics, and Strategies for a Life in Photography – Creative Live Class Trailer

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Internationally acclaimed photographer Joe McNally joins CreativeLive for an in-depth examination on creating stories with light and the strategies every photographer needs for success. This course will walk through various flash techniques on location and in-studio, using both small and big flashes. Joe will cover how to light in various locations, enhancing both your subject and your background to create a complete story, using lighting techniques that have defined his career in photography.

  1. Tony Hammons says

    Looking forward to seeing you do this live!

  2. Imran Khan says

    thank you so much Joe

  3. Mark Krajnak says

    You say so much in such a short amount of time here. Super inspiring. Love it, Joe.

  4. P. Richter says

    Joe McNally, the Jedi master of photography and light. He's awesome 👍🏻👍🏻

  5. mark luma says

    Cool promo !

  6. David Gootyeriz says

    sign me up

  7. Tomas Ramoska says

    Oh yes Joe will kick butt can't wait..

  8. Samad Khan says

    You didn't show us the final image from that jump shot 🙁

  9. Lauren Adriance says

    Joe! This is gonna rock!

  10. Jon Mold says

    Super excited for this, love Joe !!

  11. RJ Bradbury Photography says

    Hell yes. watching this.

  12. jose charo says

    I love Joe McNally. I just got my Profoto B1 kit so I can step up my lighting game!

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