Glowing Mushroom – Photoshop Fantasy Manipulation Tutorial


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how to make glowing Mushroom fantasy photo manipulation scene effects in photoshop cc 2018.
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#rafyA #rafyAphotoshop #rafyAmanipulation

  1. Abada Amine says


  2. Booky Love says

    That looks awesome!! DId it take hours for you to make that amazing photo?

  3. AK design says

    Is she Alice?

  4. Rizal Paskah says

    link nushroom please

  5. Ammar Chouf says

    I could not leave your video…

  6. Ammar Chouf says

    Verry good Mr rafy i like.

  7. Ayu Creation says
  8. Hastin Nuraini says


  9. Muhammad Basheer says

    Amazing Detailing !!!

  10. venkatesan s says


  11. BeBez says


  12. Mr Seal says
  13. Subbu Swaroop says

    100% Pure skill… Loved it till the end

  14. Design Dạo says

    very good. thank

  15. TV Subúrbio says

    como não curtir um espetáculo desse?

  16. Goldfish says

    Kinda looks like there's a white lump on her left collar bone and her head was copy and pasted on. But otherwise great job.

  17. iGravier says

    i wish i had a wife to do this to her

  18. alvin vin says

    Nice tutorial

  19. Yali Sang says

    the most satisfying tutorials, awesome.

  20. Shaswat Rai says

    Its so annyonying….. u is just keep on working on those mushroom atlist u must give some intro step by step so that we could learn…..

    You just gave key word without any explanation its not fair😣

  21. Technical Bangla says

    plz give me app link

  22. Singgih Amri says

    this channel comes from indonesian. I know who the owner of Rafy A's channel. Rafya ahmad
    Raffy Ahmad gives a lot of amazing effects in every his videos.

    give me a number of likes on this comment

  23. GeniousOne says

    u really got me 1 like and 1 sub
    Keep going man

  24. Ngan Vo says

    Thank you.

  25. Marcelo Salinas says

    Hola muy buenos e ilustrativos tus videos, estoy aprendiendo a hacer banners con el cs6, tengo un tamaño sobre el cual pongo las imagenes, necesito saber como dar color a la capa blanca ojala un tono mas acorde con la imagen que estoy sobreponiendo, o bien como puedo darle color a toda la capa en blanco sobre la cual despues insertare imagenes y textos para terminar el banner… espero me puedas ayudar…

  26. Ujjwal Adhikari says

    wow love your work

  27. Faith Lee Delasan says

    This is so beautiful! Although I don't know how to use photoshop, this video made me inspired to learn. I enjoyed watching and maybe I can start learning so that I can be as good as you. Thank you 🙂

  28. Fachry Nugraha says

    you make it looks easy

  29. Nhân Nguyễn Thành says


  30. haedar sallam says

    I was amazingly impressed

  31. Chiang江振興老師 says

    Thanks you

  32. I am amazed with the creativity…I have subscribed and thanks for the knowledge…

  33. Madura Prasanna says

    Do you have original photos?

  34. Life is Art says

    Keren bener bro….tapi jangan biasakan flip objek manusia bro….

  35. Alfredz VLGS says

    Here's how i photoshoped my picture using mobile only and apps. Watch guys.

  36. Tian Colombini says

    Thank you, i really enjoy your video. I learn a lot of it

  37. In 6 seconds says


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