Photography Tips : Senior Portrait Photography Tips


In photography, it’s important to get seniors to relax for their portraits so that they trust the photographer. Discover how to take photographs for seniors based upon the photography that they like with help from a photographer in this free video on senior portrait photography.

Expert: Richard Petty
Bio: Richard Petty primarily shoots wedding portrait and dance photography. He has over 30 years of experience in photography, with the last seven years spent doing wedding photography in St. Louis.
Filmmaker: Ross Safronoff

  1. Sathil Mondal says

    Hey there, have you considered "photo SFX art" (just search on Google for it …)? There you will find a great free video explaining the way to make awesome photos. It made it possible for Daniel to create pictures which leave you with that jaw-dropping-effect after you take a look at them. Hopefully it works for you also.

  2. c7i6abc says

    Yea Richard, I think your info is not useless. I found it to be useful, not only in shooting students but in other was, if you know what a person likes then you have an idea what to produce. Having said that, your video title is misleading. When most people hear the word senior, the first thing that comes to mind is Lunch, Discount, Home, etc. not kids. But, I thought, ok, how to get an elderly person to realx for a photo and eventually thought the photo was of a grandchild. 🙂

  3. Wingman813 says

    eHow is always useless

  4. DreamVisionTV1 says

    richard peddi…..hhmmmm…get the kids relaxed hhhmmmm

  5. in2food says

    Totally useless. Devoid of any meaningful information. And the first example photo was rubbish….

  6. beerborn says

    At least this guy's got two stuffed animals laying around. If he had mannquins laying around, that would make things a little creepy.

  7. beerborn says

    What he is refering to about "Seniors" are High School Seniors ! Not old people with facials that resemble "Tutankhamun" or "Ramesess" that were just dugged up out of the Valley of Kings.

  8. MustaineV says

    you're a moron, but then again everyone on eHow is..

  9. Ken Skid says

    Best tip was to take lots of photos. What he says about teens is true. It is hard to get them to like "themselves"…

  10. ThumpMonkeyFunk says

    wow, tough crowd.

  11. Rohan Mahadar says

    If you like kids, it's a great way of earning money!

  12. Brotmaschine08 says

    @leviphillip and this ladies & gentlemen is a hater.

  13. Levi Rehrig says

    this was useless and those pictures were amateur

  14. Alexis Butler says

    @romanovdb hahahahaha

  15. A. Zenen C. says

    @romanovdb LOL
    Photographers would focus on getting the best pictures, I guess

  16. ro8inmorgan says

    but the pictures shown suck ass

  17. FB Urdu Shayari says


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