My Favorite Photography YouTubers!


Here are some of my favorite photography YouTubers and why I love them! If you enjoy this video, let me know and I’ll make more!

The Art of Photography

YouTube –
Instagram –

Eduardo Pavez Goye

YouTube –
Instagram –

Xing Liu

YouTube –

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  1. EduardoPavezGoye says

    How come I just found this video? Dang. Thank you so much for the kind words, man! 😀

  2. Jenny M. says

    Edin Chavez is one of my favorites!

  3. Krill Siluroid says

    One of my favorite channels is yours Nico! You seem to really care about your subscribers.

  4. Dave M says

    Will definitely follow them!

  5. Old Cameras says

    Everyone loves Eduardo.

  6. The Science of Photography says

    Great choices. One day my channel will be on your list! The best thing about YouTube is that you can find channels that cover a wide range of topics (Fro, Matt Granger, Tony and Chelsea) to people who do a focused thing very well. If you're into landscapes you have to follow Thomas Heaton

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