The Try Guys Get Photoshopped With Men's Ideal Body Types


The Try Guys recreate famous photos of male celebrities and are photoshopped with their ideal body types.

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Big Bad Wolf
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.

Made by BFMP
Photo Retoucher – Evan Robert Trusewicz

Makeup Artist – Joshua Masuda
Hairstylist – Yuichi Ishida
BuzzFeed Senior Staff Photographer – Macey J. Foronda


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  1. Sadie Stranks says

    congrats. you've spent one day in the world woman are forced into everyday. well done.

  2. Jorge Ferrando says

    Y do Zack doesn't shave his chest hair?

  3. Johnmark Angayen says

    I want the photoshopped keith
    He looks so badass

  4. Eugene: I don't like the way I look…

    Everyone who's watching this: DON'T LIE TO YOURSELF

  5. Ramaneesh Sama says


  6. mila d says

    eugene is like really beautiful! his stomach isn't fat at all!!

  7. Trixie Salceda says

    i am not lying zach is handsome af durinh his young age.

  8. Ripstik 05 says

    “Let’s see what the perfect Keith would look like” the perfect Keith looks how he his right now

  9. R. Aroshaa says

    Eugene ur sooo sexy

  10. Sarah Castille says

    Damn Eugene is fine as hell!!🖤🖤

  11. Sophie Hewlett says

    They all look better in the before photos

  12. Noah Miles [DocterPepe] says

    What’s the name of the song at 9:00

  13. John Turboman says

    I have body dysmorphia and it’s very hard to live with. I’m only 18 years old and my parents think I’m crazy. I lost 65 pounds and I still think I’m fat I weigh 175 pounds and I’m six foot I have loose skin and it’s a really bad insecurity. I just want my stomach to look flat and not have loose skin hanging over. I look in mirror at least 5 or 6 times a day everyday. I have a weight scale that tells me just not my weight but my body fat. I don’t enjoy a lot of things in life that I want to. I dont eat a lot of “junk” food even tho I have a sweet tooth. My grandma resents me every time I see her. A lot people don’t understand that we can’t help why we’re like this. It’s a mental thing. I been trying to work on being healthier I lift weights and eat healthy but to look how I want to I have to follow my Marcos to exact I spend $100 of month on supplements. I have two jobs and I still work out 5 times a week.

  14. MoMo Lin says

    It takes a lot of effort and discipline to get physically fit. Physical health helps with mental health as well, and it prevents chronic diseases.

  15. Juan Valdez says

    if you have a problem with how you look, maybe its because you look like you should hit the gym a bit?

  16. NataliaN says

    is eugene gay?

  17. Maki the Weirdo says

    These guys are precious and must always be protected I love them

  18. lolbit trap says

    Kieth, this sounds really weird but, can we trade lips? Omg, thats really weird, ahhh, why am I doing this?!😵😵😄😄😥😥😖😖😫😫🤭🤭😳😳👄👄🙏🙏

  19. Queen Wood says

    I prefer original Eugene because he is hot and he is definitely the best looking try guy

  20. Eleanor Freebern says

    You are all beautiful, and you don’t need to change.

  21. David Adams says


  22. Steven Zayas says

    TRUTH: advertisements and entertainment media do TONS of post-editing to male and female models, in order to make them look a certain way. This is why thinking, say, a photo of Hugh Jackman on the cover of Men's Health is a realistically-attainable goal, you are likely mistaken, as men and women's bodies are played around with in Photoshop, wrinkles are eliminated, waists tapered, and hairlines filled in (for dudes with hair loss).
    ALSO TRUTH: That being said, if you see Hugh Jackman and want to look like that, there ARE ABSOLUTELY things you can do to look more like that. If you're a skinny dude, eat a ton of quality calories and lift heavy — you will gain muscle. If you feel like you look greasy, develop a better hygiene routine, get a haircut, and wear better-fitting clothes. Stand up straight, and work on your confidence. All of these things can do WONDERS for your image.
    So, guys don't have to think that if they don't look like Hugh Jackman, the only thing they have to do is "Accept and love yourself and just forget about looking a certain way, because the way you are is the way it's always gonna be, and you're perfect." You CAN have self-confidence, and love yourself, while STILL wanting to improve your image.

  23. an hero says

    this video muscle shamed me

  24. Asylia5911 says

    This video just made me very sad. I hate the way that they think of their own bodies when they are all so beautiful. I know that this is hypocritical of me and that so many other people think like that nowadays because of today's society…. it's just so sad.

  25. Olvis Og Grøsle says

    the corean guy doesn't look that skinny

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