The Headshot Game and How to Start It | Peter Hurley


Peter Hurley, Author of “The Headshot” speaks on adding headshot photography to your skillset as a portrait photographer.

Peter believes that this is not only one of the fastest growing genre’s of portrait photography, but one where you are able to begin charging for it from the get go. Peter goes through how he made headshot photography his main source of income and not only give you an idea of how to get started, but will divulge his main moves anytime someone steps in front of his camera.

Peter Hurley Photography

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  1. King Pin says

    What camera and lease does he use for headshots

  2. Tiny Room Studio says

    and now peeps can stop obsessing of the shape and content of catch lights

  3. Michael Coen says

    Maybe this is an unpopular opinion, but I'm not a fan of Hurley's homogenization of headshot photography. He has upwards of 14,000 photographers that he trains to do headshots to the extent that they closely match his own style. I like his work because his style is a reflection of his personality and who he is as an artist. What does this do for other photographers though? I've looked at headshots on Insta, and thought "Oh, that's a Hurley," only to find out it wasn't – it was someone he trained. To each their own, of course, but I am legitimately curious to know why photographers – artists – would rather work under the constraints of someone else's style rather than develop their own.

  4. Darren Weston says

    Brave words…a true inspiration Peter. Mum would be/is proud buddy

  5. Alex Dilon says

    And him again,…. Why? Maybe it's because the previous video on B&H: "Depth of Field 2019 | Peter Hurley – The Head Shot Redefined" – has been criticised. I don't know what kind of deal they do with those photographers, but it is sad to allways see the same ones. He is a lucky man, getting so much exposure for his work.

  6. Bryan Little says

    You rock! I need on your crew!

  7. Ray Valdez Photography says

    It's Hurley baby.

  8. BigMilan says

    Gotta love this beautiful human 🙂

  9. Noealz Photo says

    Thanks for the knowledge always : )

  10. AutoFOCUSED says

    Felt like a long ad for his headshot crew and intensive. Lol. Love his work either way

  11. Michael Givens says

    Great stuff. Charleston? That's my neighborhood.

  12. aral2dmax says

    I understand you are a good headshot photographer, but I dont like your photo, 22, you look upset, like you dont even want to take a picture even of yourself, you look uncomfortable. I'm sorry if I say this , but looking at your own picture ,the first thing that came into my mind is ,like if your doing a number two and struggling. Dont get me wrong , I like you but I'm just giving constructive honest critique. Just like you give constructive critique when you go on Scott Kelby, fstoppers, etc… when you are asked to critique other photographers pictures. 👌

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