1. Molnar Alexandru says

    Drink a shot every time he says B'Ground

  2. Matt Ballam says

    Judging by the comments, half of this video has magically disappeared!

  3. Raffaele Maiorino says

    where find the second part, when you use the glass?

  4. Faisal AbdulMalak says

    nice shitting table

  5. Iqbal asif says

    Your accent is very funny .

  6. A Google User says

    What happened? The video just ended without showing how to shoot white on white background. You really posted this without an ending?

  7. dh sw says
  8. KBS visuals says

    Hugh Grant

  9. jamin k says

    that was shit !!!!!

  10. harsh mishra says

    you know nothing dude

  11. kees wassenaar says

    DUDE!!! its background not bground…

  12. Rolex Denn says

    thank you

  13. azam987654321 says


  14. Paweł Kaczmarczyk says

    Hello, I have a question concerning the plexi glass, what is its thickness? Did you gave yourself the shape of plexiglass?

  15. John Meise says

    I have my white background a good four feet from the product, but the background is still reflecting just a bit back onto the top of my product.  Trying out different solutions but any suggestions would be great.  Thanks!

  16. John Meise says

    I see that you're supporting the back part of the clear shooting table with reflector holders (you had pointed this out) but what is supporting the front part (closest to the camera)?  I don't see it sitting on anything or being held by anything.  Is it just being secured by those two clips and nothing else?  Thanks!

  17. emko333 says

    how do i prevent reflections of the product ? all around the product is white except where the product touches the plexi glass

  18. Ivan Kvasau says

    забавно что не имея даже профессиональной камеры, я допёр до этой идеи на 3й день работы, когда босс попросил меня заняться фотографией.

    я использовал стеклянный стол на который положил стандартную белую бумагу, и поставил под стол лампу.

  19. Mani krish says

    great job

  20. Terry lee says

    I tried it and it does not work. Subject is either over expose or under expose due to the reflection from the backdrop light, and have color cast.

  21. cengo78 says

    The image is very sharp at the end, I am sure you use very expensive equipment.
    Can you please write which equipment you have?
    Camera, lens, flash, softbox and spot light with manufacturers please?

  22. Jim Egerton says

    Thanks Alex

  23. Fred Jackson says

    Thanks, more tutorials can be found at https://plus.google.com/117154218957469282190/posts/6fgwHeaZ44d nice stuff

  24. Yonathan Zarkovian says

    Excellent video. I'm tired of trying to make the background white in post.

  25. Mark O'Brien says

    Excellent idea Alex! One question – I was expecting to see a reflection beneath the cream when you used the plastic/glass sheet… did you remove it in post-pro? If not, how would you have achieved one?

  26. singitoutloud1000 says

    annoying to listen to…snap crackle smack…

  27. dukenu100 says

    If you are going to lift the image from background in post, why not use a black background all around object? I don't know, just asking

  28. Claudio Cesconeto says

    Great and useful video! Please, can I use a white translucid plastic sheet (milky) instead a transparent? Thanks!

  29. Raj Malhotra says

    thats perfect. penny stocks must be traded with good advices from veterans. just listen for now, my father making lots from penny stocks with the help of these professionals. its worth a try here -> bit.ly/14RZJxS?=jhiyij

  30. Le'Shaun Courtney Williams says

    Thanks for the video it was useful. I am going to try it on some product I have to shoot… I know English isn't your first language so good job putting these videos together 🙂
    Courtulookin com

  31. Mike Daish says

    Very useful video thank you.

  32. Polygoodboy says

    Thank you for making the video my good sir.

  33. Will Pound says

    Hey supersal001 just checked out your photography table you set up. The results look great. I also need to take lots of images for website. Do you have any recommendations for someone setting up?


  34. DGrieux says

    What would you do about the undesirable specular highlights on the text? Especially on the brand name.

  35. js261oc says

    Can you please give a detailed list of equipment you used in this. I really want to recreate the shots! Thanks

  36. impianotespaul says

    baa-ground .. >.<"

  37. Andrey Mikhaylov says

    хороший прием, спасибо. а что вы посоветуете для создания небольшой тени под объектом?

  38. KenZen says

    Hi,from where you bought your table? How much it cost? Nice video btw

  39. Joe Hrdina says

    well done thanks

  40. Sanket Patil says

    great video again, thanks Akel!

  41. Mark Clowes says

    love it how he says "bacgroudd!

  42. hanumichanuma says

    Hi there, are you familiar with "photo SFX art" (google it)? On their website you can watch a great free video featuring the right way to take fantastic pictures. This made it possible for Daniel to shoot photos that leave you with a wow-effect after you look at them. I hope it will help you as well…

  43. LAMSA Ads says

    U got too board after the first 4 minutes 🙂 >> But well done

  44. actorrico says

    OK. First, great vid! Thank you for taking the time. Just stumbled onto it and everything seemed to go well, but I'm getting pretty aggressive reflection. Could be a cool effect if I needed it, but I'm trying to isolate the product. Any ideas? Perhaps my 'tabletop' is too flat??? Anybody?

  45. Shobolanul5thF says

    Hi, have you heard about "Photo SFXart Tricks" (google it)? There you can watch a useful free video demonstrating the right way to make awesome photographs. This helped Matt to shoot pictures which leave you with that wow-effect whenever you look at them. Hopefully it works for you as well.

  46. thepinkpanzer says

    What software are using for shooting at 2:57?

  47. motugen says

    05:18 "so.. I got, the shit"

  48. Sawyer Photography says

    Great tip!, thanks.

  49. Elliott says

    How to shoot on pure black please ???

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