How to do macro photography on a budget with the canon 50mm 1.8


In this video i go through what equipment i use for my macro photography and how to set it up. Check our more of my photography at

Macro, photography, canon, 50mm, 1.8, extention, tubes, 550d, t2i, kissx4, yongnuo, 565ex, flash, off camera, homemade, diffuser, insects, jumping, spider, how, to, diy, cheap, gear, camera, close up, ettl,

  1. lacenaepronta says

    Super smart! Thank you 4 video

  2. viraj temghare says

    what brand of extention tube u are using?

  3. viraj temghare says

    Amazing man! u saved me few more money on buying an electronic extention tube! also saw ur works on flicker. Simply awesome! u shot those macro shots with this same setup??? great works! keep clicking 😉

  4. Nikolay210563 says


  5. Johnathon Windsor says

    YO!! people are asking you questions on here, can you take a moment to answer them?

  6. Péter Albert says

    Thank you for sharing this!

  7. Mav Peñano says

    whats the make and size of the extension tube you used?

  8. Bartholomew B. says

    Thank you for sharing!!

  9. Claring Millan says

    hi, which lens is better to use with macro extension tube the 50mm.or the 18-55mm.Thanks..

  10. Flyboy Montana says

    Bro with no exaggeration, you deserve to receive Tony award by creating this tutorial…

  11. Shaun Wright says

    very helpful.Thanks for the tips!!

  12. Long Lee says

    Dear friend, microscope objective + pringle tube+ some black paint+ pvc and glue will give you a higher magnification and cost less than a canon 50mm f 1.8 😀

  13. 99Fugitives and 1 cat says


  14. nati says

    Thank you very much! I have a 50 mm lens. Can you give me a link to eBay store to buy the items?

  15. icic5 says

    great vid, very informative

  16. Photoshopeando says

    Excellent explanation. Thanks.


    checked your work, absolutely beautiful

  18. Manish Bhoola says

    Very ingenious. practically demonstrated. Thanks Much !

  19. TeamOrlySnipe says

    Can i use my canon 18-55mm lens for this?

  20. Milana Villo says

    lol "cheap"

  21. Timothy Elgersma says

    Can anyone explain to me why/how this works? Why does flipping the lens around give crazy low DOF? What is the purpose of the extension tubes?

  22. Mohamed Fathih says

    I have 35mm 1.8 lens, will it give more magnification than 50mm ?

  23. yesa.danu//visuals says

    WRONG DUDE!!! AF motor OFF before you screw them in to reverse adapter!!!!! #facepalm

  24. Ellen Goldman says

    Was the  last shot of the bug on a "high Key" Background?

  25. Charley Dart says

    When i put my 50mm on to my standard lens it works as a macro however it is cropped into a circle, why is this?

  26. yellowsayshello says

    which extension tube should I purchase for 50mm f 1.8 ??

  27. ALVIN .LIM says

    great video!!

  28. Maktoum Alkaabi says

    Genius! , I have problem with my lens I'm using sony alpha, I try your metho to set the Aperture =8, when I take the lens off it go back.. can you help me please?

  29. AnneloesF says

    Very informative, thank you.

  30. Rallybear says

    Great video. Maybe I won't getting a macro lens anyway. At least not yet 🙂

  31. Kelby Douglas says


  32. Kelby Douglas says


  33. Ian S. Rutter says

    To help anyone work out their magnification, here is a simple formulae.
    Magnification is: M = S/F Where: M = magnification; S = sensor width; F = horizontal field of view
    On your Canon 550D, the sensor is 22.3mm wide x 14.9mm high. So in the case where a 2.5mm object fills your sensor, it would work out as:
    M = 22.3mm / 2.5mm
    M = 8.92. Round this off and you have 9x magnification.
    Where a 5mm object fills up ¾ of your sensor, it would work out as:
    M = (22.3mm x ¾) / 5mm
    M = 3.345 or 3x
    Have fun!

  34. Ian S. Rutter says

    Good video. I have the 50mm f/1.4. I use this and the 18-135mm. You can still focus using the focus ring but manually.
    To move backwards and forwards allows you to get a different focal length. Just like when you use a zoom lens.

  35. Kal-EL230 says

    Great shots

  36. Mega Man says

    So the only way to focus is to manually move closer or farther to the subject right? Nice Video, I just realized how heavy my DSLR is.

  37. Nazeer Alper says

    Great results!

  38. Kelby Douglas says


  39. Kelby Douglas says

    No worries glad I could help 🙂

  40. Kelby Douglas says

    use it but just don't reverse it

  41. Kelby Douglas says

    thanks no problem

  42. Kelby Douglas says

    If I leave it set at 1.8 just about nothing will be in focus because there will be a shallow depth of field. put it at f8 will give me more in focus thanks for the comment

  43. Henrique Teles says

    why do you use f/8 apperture? isn't 1.8 better for macro? great work btw….

  44. narasimma rajan says

    get a step-up adapter.

  45. Daniel Pryce says

    well it is, my Nikon 105 macro is $800, and the cheapest lens I own now is $1500.

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