X Ray Photo Camera


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Two priests want a picture taken of them, but this camera is the devil and shows them naked!

JFL British Edition is a presentation of JustForLaughsTV, the official Just For Laughs Gags YouTube channel. Home of the funniest, greatest, most amazing, most hilarious, win filled, comedy galore, hidden camera pranks in the world!

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  1. danilo rosario says


  2. Primate says


  3. phpcat2 says

    probly took it from youtube rules x.x

  4. Lanakukolka says

    Guy is nude but girl is wearing some sort of g-string? Double standard?

  5. 719misa says

    Shut up and take my money!

  6. RuggedMaori1 says

    blue car is in background but when photo is taken more then there clothes disappear so to does the blue car.

  7. I know you from your eyes says

    قرف اتنم ناس قذرين

  8. andrew brum says

    me too

  9. DrMalcolm1 says

    With a camera??

  10. Bree Gruber says

    how did they take the original pictures?

  11. Kevin Pingkian says

    polaroid camera now a days…

  12. adamwv says

    the pictures develop so quick lol

  13. Cedric Pasco says

    imagine having to take the picture in the first place outside in public

  14. stanl1m says

    @edtskyline but its only work for men..

  15. RealBizarre97 says

    @billybob17415 well maybe all the women don't want to show their asses on tv so they let the dudes do tht stuff so calm down

  16. kumaran k says

    @rrcczz 🙂

  17. Nan Lanla says

    take a shot on them

  18. MidnightKaz says

    go to pornhub if you want nake girls

  19. Lyric WasHere says

    Guy at 52 second mark is the guy who played Neville on harry potter..Or a twin!!

  20. Sam says

    They should call this the GAY playlist instead of 18+

  21. Abdul Rashid says

    Thumbs up if you think that guy looks like wayne rooney

  22. Help Me Get 100 Subscribers says

    i like the music 🙂

  23. geezeweezebabypls says

    i miss the guy with the spectacles in now a day JFL videos

  24. MrBboyrino says

    @edtskyline this camera only works by guys..

  25. RB says

    Wow, grandpa's got a fantastic figure!!

  26. shownow fadz says

    @edtskyline You can create that camera… haha

  27. firstwaffels says

    Funny stuff

  28. Tony Kalia says

    That old man took another look

  29. Joshua Winters says

    @knotightul dude, you do know that at least half the people who watched this video have no idea what a polaroid is right?

  30. Andres Rivas says

    @Chrai0n lmfao me 2…. i know what we would do! 😀 lmao!!

  31. James Sunderland says

    I would start running away with all my might holding that camera!

  32. Jack of All Tirades says

    @JanRenzoJRBT24 You can't be serious…

  33. Jan Renzo Tiangco says

    It would be epic if they tried to take a picture of the pranked people :D, then see them run of embarassment?

  34. LTF85199 says

    This one was SOUR.

  35. Kevo Borges says

    small camera guys

  36. Mattastrophiik says

    I loved the guy towards the end, he had no self restraint with the laughter

  37. pourosxnl says


  38. Jeremy Clarkson says

    so why is this 18+?

  39. Ryan Lee says

    They Stopped uploading? WHAT IS THIS?!

  40. playableish says

    @burakomin You have only obviously seen Rowan Atkinson as Mr Bean, which shows your ignorance. On top of that American Humour is the shit, fart and vomiting jokes. Look at any study of comedy and you will see another point in your own ignorance. I would just be quiet if I was you as you are embarrassing yourself and your country.

  41. playableish says

    @burakomin You mean American Humor, You obviously have only ever seen Rowan Atkinson in Mr Bean, so that shows your own ignorance. Please be quiet you are embarrassing yourself and your country.

  42. burakomin says

    British pranks are complete shit . Main themes of british "jokes" are shit, farting , vomiting and naked male butts . Stupid humor. No wonder brits love goggle-eyed freak mr. Bean. They even call him "great comedian" . This is pathetic.

  43. edtskyline says

    @PaulCLou hahah nah man, I mean, to take photos of girls!

  44. Xuanrong Chen says

    Where is their penis?

  45. ryan sak says

    They should of tried to take a picture of the people and scare them

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