The Very Hungry Caterpillar – Animated Film


In the internationally acclaimed The Very Hungry Caterpillar, a tiny caterpillar eats and eats…and eats his way through the week.
Taken from The Very Hungry Caterpillar and Other Stories collection. Based on Eric Carle’s picture book.

The full 5 stories including children’s favourite The Very Hungry Caterpillar are available to own on iTunes:

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  1. Aaron Joshua Senar says

    I used to watch this when I was little and I'm glad to find and watch this animated film again!!! This brings so much childhood memories… 😀

  2. DormantRabbits says

    Sometimes, the caterpillar just gets fat and that's it.

  3. it's candyjay says

    I remember learning this book when I was 3 years old at Honeybeez pre-school :'')

  4. Annie TM says


  5. Heretic D3 says

    I do not use this term lightly; ABSOLUTE UNIT

  6. SellaRose. says


  7. mithel carvalho says


  8. Anshu Iyer says


  9. kill me everyday says

    This is my first book i read….Awhhhhhhh~~~THE MEMORIES!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  10. btfy99 says

    Trying to identify the narrator’s accent. Does anyone know what kind of accent is it?

  11. 23Mohamad Saleh says

    no one:

    youtube algorithm : HUNGRY BOI

  12. Albo's Music Room says

    A childhood classic! Thanks for sharing.

  13. Grace Woofter says

    How did you find my life story

  14. Hui Guan says

    MNnnbb ..m.,,MM,M

  15. Crayons&Pencil Kids says


  16. gatcha queen says

    Looooooooooove this book

  17. Spencer Johnson says

    i love this story

  18. WarlegganFangirl1984 says

    The Very Hungry Caterpillar is my spirit animal…

  19. MFLN_ William says

    I it said 12 78 39

  20. Wakanda Forever says

    I was 3 years old in my first weeks at pre-k and I never really got along with any of my classmates. This book was the very first book I read as a kid and the very hungry caterpillar was the very first friend I made. I’m 19 and This book will always be my favorite book ❤️

  21. 4 Beautyflies says


  22. 4 Beautyflies says


  23. Mohammed Abedin says


  24. LeisurelyBacon says

    This here is hot

  25. On Saturday he ate through one piece of chocolate cake, one ice-cream cone,one pickle, one slice of Swiss cheese, one slice of salami, one lollipop, one piece of cherry pie, one sausae, one cupcake and one slice of watermelon.That night he had a stomachache. That's my life story!

  26. ufehmi says


  27. Rochelle Ricks says

    My husband use to read this book in Spanish to our son. He absolutely loved it !

  28. jyoti9858 says

    I love this book thanks

  29. Malmstrom Library says

    Who is the narrator?

  30. ineslm1 says

    Hi! I wanted to show this video to my daughter class at school, but without the voice over. Is there any version of this video with just the music? Thank you!

  31. tranz boii says

    I watched one my little pony video and youtube thinks im a toddler lol

  32. Kalile Finx says

    dang this hit me right in the memories
    Edit: also nice asmr lol

  33. consuelo reinoso says


  34. PrincessSarah says

    This was my sheet as a child

  35. Sam Brown says

    That F horn in the sound track is giving me life!

  36. Gamer Key says

    What has my life come to?

  37. Kaiden Klausen says

    Does this sound like Ewan McGregor?

  38. That was sad when he had a stomach ache. I had one when I ate a piece of a watermelon

  39. 상어롄초 says


  40. 15MinuteGamer says

    OH MY GOD. I READ THE HECK OUTTA THE BOOK WHEN I WAS 4! Thank you so much for this!!!!!!

  41. Reema Tufail says

    When he came out of the egg and he was hungry when his tummy was making noise it was like he was going to throw up

  42. Scrub-Chan :] says

    If he's still hungry, why doesn't he eat the rest of the fruit :/ ???

  43. Deigo Jesus says

    He was A BIG FAT caterpillar then died

  44. Luca Orrú says

    This brings me back hella big memories

  45. Abdul Shukur says

    I decided to decorate our door like that

  46. Surprise Toy Venture says

    What a very hungry caterpillar! Love the story 🙂 Check out our very hungry shark at our channel!

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