Sending A Bad Picture In Gacha Studio!!! | Part 1

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Hello! Since not that many people are interested in msp/moviestarplanet videos I thought I’d try out Gacha Studio/Gachaverse. Let me know what you think and feel free to give me ideas. ♥

♡ Info Down Below ♡

♡ Current subscriber count ♡ 83,630

New video out every Saturday!!!

♡ Instagram: xlauren_mariex
♡ Twitter: @PrincessTroll00


♡ Camera- iPhone 8
♡ Screen recorder- Quicktime player

♡ Editors-

♡ Final Cut Pro X
♡ iMovie

  1. heyy la MSP says

    Omg Hahah, I hated the other gacha videoes from the other "huge msp youtubers"

    I can't belive i watched your video till the end.


  2. Krystal OwO says

    So, welcome to the Gacha universe…. We are pretty messed up 7-25 year olds…..

    Umm…. Ill tell you some tips ig

    So, first off, I suggest you don't do too many videos with sexual titles nor sexual concepts. Romance is okay sometimes 😉
    Other than that its still a pretty good thing, just don't do to many sexual things… (Oof I suck at giving tips)

    Ummm okay bye then


    instead of the name "tom",can you put it ronald and the girls name "princess" because shes wearing makeup

  4. CaspertheGhost says


  5. CaspertheGhost says

    Your gross. Very gross,. Go get a life.

  6. Hope and stuff fam says

    Gets text from weird person:Hi
    Me:Hello,do I know you?
    Me:who are you?
    Me:BYE LOSER*Blocks*

  7. Happy Tragedy says

    omegle in a nutshell

  8. Ÿuri chan says

    Dood you literaly are a pervert you dont need to post such stuff kids watch this

  9. Maria Peaston says


  10. MAI YANG says

    Wow Brittany got big tiss

  11. Anonymous says


  12. Lyzzet Suazo says

    Brittney is so bum

  13. TheChineseDragon李莹 says

    The thumbnail and title makes it INAPPROPRIATE but all in all, it makes sense.

    It freaking makes sense.

    It’s like spreading awareness but please don’t use thumbnails like those… It might ruin us Gacha Tubers and the Gacha Community as well.

    It’s okay to spread awareness like this and I respect that but the thumbnail ;-;

    Nice vid btw

  14. xoxo says
  15. Dailan Draws says

    Me in online dating:

    23 year old man:um…hi?
    Meh:*leaves chat*
    23 year old man:yay,she left @_@

  16. AziLovesRoblox says

    I went like oh this is too far!! at 11:02

  17. Gacha Elli rocks says

    I did a social experiment in msp and I asked her for her number and she actually said it. Then i said " Hey…You shouldn't really give strangers your number right?"

  18. Claire Park says

    I was like hmmm what’s this and I was like 🥴🤢🤮

  19. Rey Wagner says

    I don't really like the people

  20. B O R I N G msp says

    I think u where better off with map 0.o

  21. Shady says

    This shit should not be aloud, this stuff even in the real world, is not okay. You're thirteen! Probably fourteen at this point. Meaning you're still a child, a minor. Like holy crap this actually drives me insane.

  22. ღ Zombie Alyssa ღ says

    Don’t upload sexual stuff like this using Lunimes creations. 😭 😭 😭 😭
    He didn’t make gacha studio,verse and life for sex. Go get a life.

  23. cassy music Munro says

    Us gacha life not gacha studio

  24. Yaris Maldonado says

    One thing to improve NO SWEARING

  25. Allison Hua says

    Why do I have to tell you pls "NO More OF THE NUDES"

  26. Summer The Rat says

    The music scared me a little 😂

  27. Bubblegumpopkitty AJ says

    This girl is so dumb. She should’ve blocked him and remove all her info on that website

  28. 27Imran Salti says

    I don’t like the music it makes sirens in my head ok don’t put that on your vids

  29. A22 says

    Was für eine Botschaft ist das und was macht Sie Amerikaner ekelhaft?

  30. GALAXY KITTY says

    You know, I really hate your channel. It is too inappropriate.

  31. Kawaii Panda says

    Who wears lipstick at 4am

  32. Annelize Nicholls says

    THAT #@$#$*&^/$##@¥£€₩¿¡'"##$/&^*()?!

  33. † Siko † says

    Welp moral of the story Don't talk to ppl online

  34. Kiana Ellison says

    Me:oh whats this
    Me:oh shit naw
    Me:imma get a gun

  35. Wolf gameplays ! says

    There’s a thing called gacha life download it and I think you need to talk with you mouth open when your talking tho good job!

  36. Snowks says

    this sc scaryyyyyyyyyyyyy because i 6.

  37. itz Kayla _ Chan chan says

    Yup guys dont online date in gacha studio chat 2 guys like me then i said back 8ff i dont like 8nline date

  38. R Gj says

    Stop making these videos

  39. Indearah parris says

    Man: finally she answers

  40. CJplays17 says

    I saw your other video earlier about Qween Wolf. I think she actually deleted her channel!

  41. Nicole Dumont says

    Plz no sexual censored stuff kids could get into it and get in big trouble and might wanna try it and get hurt or kidnapped sadly.

  42. Nicole Dumont says

    Is this almost like getting cat fished??

  43. It’s_DreamWolf ŁøŁ says

    Why do everyone use bad words 😨 (what if a child 👶 was watching this)

  44. Kathryn Flower says

    Can you stop with the censored please

  45. Sienna Heywood says

    I love them

  46. Yanan Xie says

    Omg I did not know you were the youtuber from nerd turns into bad girl I loved the vid you created

  47. Anna Montoya says

    Can you stop using bad words please I will unsubscribe from ur channel if you don't stop using those words because its driving me crazy please stop!!!!!!!

  48. UnicornLover 22 says

    When's part 2

  49. plug and play people! Don’t forget to read the manual before complaining!

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