Phone Photography Hacks – Hack It: EP24


Tips and tricks for taking awesome phone photos!

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  1. Julie Marais says

    you were a model??!!!

  2. anshika sunny says

    Where do live plzz reply

  3. Ajay Dave says

    Halsey 2.0

  4. Adi says

    Hech DR

  5. rojina a says

    hech d r mode …

  6. Muntasir Billah says

    She got better hair than me!!!

  7. BINCY BIJU says

    Very informative

  8. kenz rebbah says


  9. NapsugΓ‘r SzabΓ³ says

    Like aki hallotta hogy icipiciπŸ˜―πŸ˜―πŸ˜¬πŸ˜‚

  10. madhu mathi says

    I tried hdr but it ain't work

  11. good trick

  12. Amy Chua says

    Is that your abode, Rebecca? Its atmospherically diffusive, especially from the lamp that not everybody has the privilege to have at home. I am an interior designer, and appreciate the 'lot' that you fell into upon your house, no, its classy comfy, really. I understand perfectly. Also, tidbits is that I was the one at the taxistand at Liat Towers, who gave you an orange acrylic broken keychain, so sorry no time to give you the ring also, the taxicab came so fast.
    I am 'one of you' and can access Overeasy at Liat Towers, and hope to be your acquiantance one day. I am signed with Manulife, and am waiting for comfirmation, but don't know when they would come, I wish they would hurry. I was the childstar in "The Awakening" back in the 1980s, and dunno wat awaits but hope they would please hurry !

  13. Rifa Tasnia says

    Which phone do you have??????πŸ“±πŸ“²πŸ“²πŸ“²

  14. Tiffany L.A Ward says

    Loved the tutorial its was very enlightening and entertaining you did an awesome job and was quite informative all at the same time

  15. Maruti Rathod says

    Mem good smile πŸ˜‰

  16. Danno 2425 says


  17. Danno 2425 says


  18. Brennan Khor says

    Watch Gary Vee LIVE in Singapore in July 2018:

  19. Im Sad says

    I know im late but i dont have hdr

  20. Kulsum Shamim says

    U look alike Halsey

  21. roofly douponcely says

    URGH I can't find out who she sounds likeπŸ˜‚

  22. Abhijit Chaudhari says

    U r fun , creative and practical all at the same time?!! This is the reason I am subbing your channel just after watching your this first video!!

  23. DOSRetroGamer says

    I want to tell all people that fotograph buildings and people in one shot to tell their subjects to move closer to the camera.
    It's ridiculously logical and simple and yet you see tons of pictures with buildings that have a tiny person in front of it.

  24. akizuki231 says

    WATER SAVING HACKS please… (plus for OCD'iers)

  25. Venkatapoornima Sadanala says

    Great tips it really helpful people like me Who have zero knowledge in taking pictures

  26. mahnoor abbasi says

    Wonderful video

  27. new Rehman says

    Thanks dear

  28. Indraja Dubsmash says

    Hey can u provide me the link of that touch retouch app
    Im not able to find it on PlayStore

  29. Hriday Raavi says

    Thanks that was very helpfulπŸ‘

  30. yasmin dubey says

    Omg!! Your accent and voice is soooo soothing.. your personality!! 😍😍😍 Marsha Allah

  31. Mohith Poojary says

    Cool video…i like it

  32. My Taebear says

    When I go to the BTS concert, imma try that hack. 4:19 thanks for the hacks! I love it!πŸ’•

  33. Kurumi Muzukashii says

    Lol an Asian woman that sounds like a Nordic woman xD

  34. atinyvarmy _ says


  35. Jana Lakmoush says

    Am l the only person that watches this even though they are a kid

  36. Joie Mojica-Gahum says

    Have you tried using a phone lens like roadeavour?

  37. vihu ke fans says

    hey guys please watch my chanel 'vihu ke fans '

  38. Anjali Rani says

    Thanks for the information

  39. Kim Coetzee says

    hache dee arr

  40. Monbebe And army says

    Thnx it actually helped me a lot

  41. iam addicted2u says

    I love your smile it makes me smile too.

  42. Ashwini Rohith says

    deffinetly m gone a try ds tq u

  43. BlessyG says


  44. Syed Althamash says

    i need school hack

  45. Prashansha Dube says


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