I DID NOT EXPECT THIS | Wildlife Photography behind the scenes – photographing from my photo blind


This evening is all about wildlife photography from my photo blind but since this is my fist time in the blind, I have no expectations and I have no idea what is going to happen!

••• FOLLOW ME •••

Some of these links are Amazon affiliate links so if you buy your stuff through them, you are supporting my work because Amazon will give me a small percentage. Thank you so much 🙂

Lowepro camera bag:
My Vlogging tripod:


I am using Epidemic and Artlist for my videos.
I really love Epidemic because they let you customise the music by muting the stems. Get 1 month for free by using my affiliate link:

Artlist is another awesome music service that is not limited to use on YouTube. I use it a lot, and you’ll get 2 extra months on your subscription by signing up using this link:

••• WHO I AM •••
My name is Morten Hilmer and I am a professional nature and wildlife photographer. In this series of behind the scenes vlogs I want to share my fascination of nature with you and invite you behind the scene when I am out photographing the fascinating wildlife, the stunning landscapes and the wild nature. I work as a ILCP photographer, and nature conservation is very close to my heart.

For me nature photography is all about sharing the unique experiences and to put awareness to nature conservation. Furthermore my goal is to inspire as many as possible to get out and experience the true beauty of nature.

“I have served in the Danish military special unit, the Sirius Patrol, for two years and that has given me the skills and confidence to operate alone in the arctic regions. I have spent two further years in the northern parts of Greenland meeting the local people and working on photography projects. My driving force is a sense of adventure and my fascination for nature, and my curiosity and empathy for other cultures has led me to many remote regions.”

Read more about my time in the Sirius Dogsled Patrol:

Beside the many publications my photographs has been awarded in the Wildlife photographer of the year and European Wildlife photographer of the year photo competitions.

In spring 2017 I published my book Silence of the North:

See you out there !

All the best
Morten Hilmer

  1. Nam Kha Trịnh says

    Photography is not only haven't any touch to natural life but also make it closer to us. Thank you.

  2. Brenton Hilbig says

    Morten, I am so happy to have found your videos! I was curious- your music is beautiful in your videos, what are the songs?

  3. Manojit Biswas says

    Thank you sir… For sharing your experience with us…. sometimes I think if I could able to be a photographer like you…

  4. Falco Alex says

    Awesome 👏

  5. Andy Nesbitt says

    Gawd, I love your videos. Each one is so inspiring. Thank you so much.

  6. KG's Photography says

    Brilliant video Morten. Like you foxes are one of my favourites and I was lucky enough to capture some shots for a video I took a few weeks ago. Love the storytelling in you videos, makes me stay right through to the end.

  7. adam masterton says

    You’ve a cuckoo in the background, have you tried to photograph that subject? Loving your energy, keep the video’s coming

  8. Max Baker says

    Hi morten, not to be a pest but this video is fantastic my only criticism is that the magpie calling was a jay aha but other than that absolutely fantastic😂love your videos, keep it up

  9. VacuBlaster says

    I love this video, I have some throw over hides which I love using. The only Fox shot I have managed is this one:

  10. esphi LEE says

    Can the animals smell the coffee. ….

  11. Rice Crash says

    What a great video, well done Morten. Given me the inspiration to look in my area. I live in Australia and pretty sure we have european red foxes lurking !!! For what it’s worth, I actually like the motion blur of the fox sniffing, adds to the photo.

  12. Peter Cseszarik says

    so gorgeous little youngster. it was amazing when the megpie hang out with her then she went to investigate and the bird was like okay that's close enough. the way she sits down you can tell how young she is. like a kitten. I love your videos so much. thank you.

  13. Neil Barker says

    Such a great encounter with the young fox and thank you for sharing. Glad I found your channel!

  14. Mayank Nijhara says

    sir you do a really great job 👌. sir please do mention the meta data with every picture you show us.

  15. Zakaria Abed says

    i like this kind of videos on your channel when you talk silently and let us listen to the nature sounds and show us the results live ,
    oh look at this look look hahaha

  16. Saul Goodman says

    5:01 time to burn down the tent.

  17. Dashbshots says

    I once used fox urine as a cover scent for hunting. I had a fox walk right up towards me and refuse to leave. We had fox coming around for a while because I wore the rubber boots home with the scent on them. Scent is everything when hunting. It's also important to hide your scent with no scent soaps and Arm and Hammer (baking soda) to wash your clothes. Camo helps too. I've had little birds almost land on me while I was in a tree.

  18. Jürgen Kaßnitz says

    wildlife photographer moments full of passion and palpable suspense, I`m sweating only while watching this video, thanks a lot for sharing these awesome moments 🙂
    21:26 I love this photo, what a wonderful moment, so beautiful

  19. 2DAYS GAMING says

    im thailand i hope you get 1m subscriber ireally hope you can do it i love your channel

  20. Dennis Riezebos says

    Thanks Morton for this video, I know exactly what you mean about that feeling , right in between the fox and nature. Lucky for me I had that opportunity several times, and I also love foxes.

  21. c nevett says

    Every picture captures nature at peace with its surroundings…free. I am learning so much from watching these videos. I have quite a nature sanctuary on my 20 acres in rural Missouri. Lots of birds and animals which has made me want to learn nature photography. I enjoy how you wait and watch and relish every minute. Thanks for another gorgeous video.

  22. Greatti Christian says

    What's a wonderful vidéo: thank's .

  23. Reinis Abolins says

    You need another tripod for small camera

  24. Rinus Evertse says

    Hej kære Morten Hilmer,

    De fleste af dine billeder er smukke og meget inspirerende. Jeg er meget glad for

    Skandinavisk, og især den danske befolkning. og dit miljø. På grund af sundhed har jeg ikke været i stand til at gå til Danmark et stykke tid, og jeg savner det. Dine videoer er utroligt smukke og afspejler den dybe følelse af en natur person. Dine billeder er lavet af hjertet, og ikke fra en kold sensor. Jeg håber at se mange flere billeder og videoer af dig. Hvis mit helbred og alder tillader det, håber jeg at besøge Skandinavien igen i det kommende år. Mange tak for din inspiration og deling af dit arbejde med alle fotoentusiaster. Jeg håber, at Google har gjort oversættelsen forståelig. Tak.

  25. NicolajVR says

    Hej Morten!
    Jeg er en ung fyr på 18 år som elsker naturen og dens oplevelser, jeg er helt vild med at fotografere "wildlife" og prøver at komme ud og fotografere naturens dyr så snart jeg har tid til det, dog er det lidt svært når jeg også er igang med en uddannelse, men det lader jeg ikke komme i vejen for min kærlighed til naturen. Jeg prøver virkelig at blive en bedre "wildlife" fotograf og skabe indtryks fulde billeder. Jeg er en person som prøver at få folk til at have respekt for naturen og min drøm er at kunne leve af at være "Wildlife photographer" , men der er lang vej igen for det, men der stopper mig ikke. Ved at have sådan et fotoblind ville det betyde jeg måske ville kunne komme tættere på naturen og opleve den også om natten, måske om morgen at se ræven eller grævlingen gå hen over græsset, det ville virkelig være så fantastisk!

    Når nu jeg er ved det vil jeg lige sige jeg har fulgt dig stort set fra start og jeg må sige du er mit største idol og jeg holder virkelig af dine værker! du gør et super godt job med billederne og ikke mindste disse youtube videoer som er gået hen og blevet mine favoritter.
    fortsæt det gode arbejde og glæder mig til at se mere fra dig!
    Mvh – Nicolaj

    Instagram @nicolaj.vr <– Letteste måde at kontakte mig på i tilfælde af jeg skulle være så heldig at vinde eller at du kiggede forbi min instagram :D!


  26. Robert Crofts says

    My god that is a cute video of the little fella

    Amazing photos you r inspiring me to get out

  27. starsearchreject says

    The world needs more people like you Morten – people who love and respect nature, and will treat even the smallest of creatures with kindness and care. So awesome.

  28. Randy says

    I've enjoyed watching a couple of your video's this morning, if you haven't been here. I want you to know that you have an open invitation to Montana USA. We have great landscape, nature, coffee and lots of micro beers.

  29. Guillaume Revol says

    Love the way you respect Nature. Great video as always.

  30. Terry Tracey says

    Great vlog Morten my 3 favourite images fox sniffing the leaf with eyes closed, the light shining on the fox and the fox between the branches. I cannot decide my favourite. What focus point do you use for wildlife. Keep the vlogs coming love them

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