PhotoStudio AR – Augmented Reality app review!


Just so you don’t have to watch this, it’s AWFUL. But if you do watch it, you get to see Chelsea really frustrated with one of the worst apps ever made. Note: It’s even worse on an iPad! And the lights can’t be raised or lowered, nor can they be tilted, and the light quality is completely wrong.

  1. Diana McNulty says

    I just laughed so hard my eyes are watering! It just kept getting better and better… well… depending on your perspective. 😉

  2. Craig Lowe says

    Chelsea is so beautiful

  3. Eric Myers says

    So the take away here is not to pay for this app and that Tony needs to hit the gym lol

  4. MR Dot1 says

    tripod and stylus…

  5. webdaddy says

    Although not intended for this use, the AR stickers on my Pixel 2 XL included with the camera app actually look realistic, unlike these. I can put for example a Star Wars stormtrooper in a picture and it matches the lighting and even casts a shadow on the scene and it's hard to tell it's not actually part of the picture. These look really fake.

  6. Raymond Davis says

    I sadly bought this app and it is one of the worse apps I have ever paid for, nothing works and it impossible to place any of the figures, props or lights accurately. I hope the developers are ashamed to produce such rubbish. Good video though.

  7. Toddy Surcharge says

    I was laughing so hard that my girlfriend was ready to call 911 in case I stopped breathing.

  8. Steven Bolton says

    Tony has insecurity issues.

  9. Kerri Wolfton says

    The commentary is so funny.

  10. Veronica Smith says

    lol….so funny….love it

  11. Benny Ricko says

    I downloaded the application, I could not get the light to face the model correctly, the light would not turn around and neither would the model. It has potential of the bugs were taken out.

  12. Simon Hergott says

    1:18 – Chelsea still gets caught off guard sometimes, even after all these years.

  13. Michael D says

    The 80 people that disliked are actually the R&D team for this app. They just can't accept the barrage of constructive criticism.

  14. Vikash Kumar says

    Nice But it is paid app, $10 we have to pay.. But there is one more app in the marketing called Tada Time app, which has many AR features like this and it's absolutely free.

  15. Gre Gory says

    Well that was entertaining. Lol

  16. cece86ita says

    That looks frustrating…

  17. Charles Boston says

    did you get all the proper model releases for all those virtual people ?

  18. The Post Color Blog says

    OMG I laughed more at this than I probably should have lol

  19. Jesse Lawrence says

    Can we get the Raw files from the shoot to have a play around ? 😂😁

  20. Peter Lundgren says

    Looks like a great way to get a really bad day for just ten bucks! Unfortunately, headache is IAP…

  21. M. de k. says

    Not your best work Chelsea

  22. PG Tips says

    Do you think you can just blaspheme Jesus and say omg and not cause offence?
    As much as I like you and Tony, as a Christian your language is a real let down in this video.

  23. Alan Guile says

    It still had a better model than Tonys mannequin , that was weird !!!!!

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