Multiple Light Setups for Senior Portraits with the LunaGrip


Westcott Top Pro photographer Kevin Kubota uses two NEW LunaGrip speedlite modifiers to capture beautiful senior portraits outdoors.

Here, Kevin discusses how he uses shadows and highlights to sculpt his portrait. He uses the LunaGrips to create a beautiful clamshell lighting. This is quickly achieved with a speedlite mounted to one LunaGrip and a reflector mounted to a second LunaGrip.

LunaGrip allows photographers to pair your speedlite and your favorite diffusion disc for a simple-to-use modifier. Designed by Kubota, the LunaGrip features an adjustable shoe-mount bracket, easy-to-grip handle, and three flexible grip arms.

To learn more about the LunaGrip, please visit

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  1. Tell the Story Photography says

    Same effect: bounce your light off the reflector.

  2. 0433elva says

    I want to know if I need a transmitter for my 580exII speedlight for this luna grip.many thanks.Im a beginner 🙂 using 5D markII

  3. juanrod77722 says

    what lens what he using?

  4. Sameer Hyder says

    what lens did you use please

  5. Felix Fong says

    How much difference will there be between a translucent LunaGrip compare to a shoot through umbrella?

  6. photovid22 says

    With high speed sync? Thank you for this great video

  7. Hassan Alhashim says

    What was the setting please

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