A Beginner’s Guide for Manual Controls in iPhone Photography: White Balance

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Professional photographer Jack Hollingsworth explains the basics of white balance, and how to make the colors of your pictures exactly how you remember seeing them.

Read more at:

This is the third feature in our series of beginner’s guides. You can find the other installments here:

1. Focus
2. Exposure
4. Shutter Speed
5. ISO

This video is brought to you by tap tap tap, creators of the top-selling photo app of all time, Camera+.

  1. Pen Umbra says

    that Camera+ logo… that shit is an incredible looking logo… those colors… i look at it (logo), and I immediately want to buy it… it's just so fricking cool looking.

  2. Biff Narzilla says

    I've linked this Ewe Toob video to many friends who just couldn't seem to get their photos right too many times for me to even remember. Thanks.

  3. Vivian Donnelly says

    I have recently discovered your tutorials. Your a wonderful instructor, and would like to thank you for sharing your professional tips with us. I have a couple questions. Firstly this being video #3, where would I locate the others you have made for us? 2) I have a Motorola Moto Z Droid. and from what I have been able to research Camera + is only for iPhone. I shoot jewelry products for my online stores and have great issues with editing. would like to try Camera+, do you have alternative app that would work with Kelvin lighting adjustments for my Android phone? Thank you

  4. salome gogoladze says

    you are great teacher ..

  5. Ishijah1 says

    Education education +=%

  6. epiphoney says

    I got Camera + 2. I can't find white balance.

  7. Raynauld Wu says

    Great video! We have created the best white balance tools, Directivity White Balance Filter, for iPhone and all camera. Check my new video for this new tool.
    iPhone The most advanced Color Meter + DWB Filter Introduction EN 4K 2160P

  8. Tim Krause says

    What phone mount do you use on your tripod?

  9. TeFau Studio Thomas Vogt says

    great video, nicely presented ! thank you

  10. Chris Carskaddan says

    Tremendous tutorial! Thank you for all 5.

  11. Macuserunknown says

    Are you guys going to add any more of these videos ? shutter speed, IOS. I think everyone would really enjoy them. Thanks.

  12. Abbyn Dudirty says

    hi there. i have a question about camera +, my iphone if fixed on a tripod and im shooting landscape everywhere and every minute and when im going to view my photos im not happy because i have to rotate my iphone into portrait then get it back into landscape to turn my photos to landscape. unlike the built in camera u dont have to rotate ur iphone to view the photos. have you noticed that?

  13. Dennis Vance says

    This is a great explanation of white balance. Everybody takes pictures with their iPhones and few have ever heard of white balance. It's amazing the difference getting this detail right can make in an image.

  14. jacques brierre says

    You did it again! 🙂
    OK… do they really have to be THIS enjoyable?
    answer: yes!

  15. Anne Lyn says

    Is there anything nice application that free

  16. sundar tumbahangphe says

    hello snap snap snap…thank you very much for the tutorials.you got alot informations for the beginners.keep it up.when will we get the other remaining tutorial videos about the shutter speed and iso?looking forward for those tutorials….thns you

  17. Eric Michael Rodriguez says

    Wow. Didn't know you are from San Antonio! Cool.

  18. aarong311 says

    I love all these videos. I get so motivated and just want to go out and take photos. Thank you!

  19. mas agus says

    I'm waiting for a new video. Please make some videos:)

  20. Uriel Martinez says


  21. iPhoneography Central says

    Another superb and carefully crafted video Jack. You are a great teacher!

  22. The Hungry Cuban Adventures says

    Great stuff. Love the Camera+ app and your training. Top notch. Will you  do any videos on post-editing with Snapseed?


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