Mom Posts Girl's Face On Sex Photo At School


A Utah mom allegedly doctored a pornographic photo of a woman having sex with a dog, superimposing into the picture the face of a 13-year-old girl who attends middle school with her daughter.

Danette Stark, 37, appeared in court Monday to face 18 counts of sexual exploitation of a minor. Prosecutors said she created the image, put it into fliers and distributed them at Northwest Middle School in Salt Lake City.

Authorities said surveillance video showed Stark entering the seventh-grade bathroom at the school on the second to the last day of classes. A custodian found the fliers in the bathroom and contacted local authorities, Salt Lake County District Attorney Lohra Miller told

She said Stark admitted to making 30 fliers, but police recovered only 18 of them.

“If anyone sees copies of these they need to turn them over to police immediately,” Miller said. “If they distribute it, make copies or put on the Internet, they are committing a crime of distributing pornography under Utah law. ”

Stark allegedly told police that she believed the unidentified girl “wronged” her in some way.

Stark has a daughter who is the same age as the girl. Attorney Steve Russell, who was standing in for her attorney, said he wouldn’t explain the relationship between the two teens, but he told the Deseret News, “I’m sure they know each other.”

Police say Stark found the photos on the Internet and placed the fliers, which included derogatory comments directed toward the girl, into several students’ lockers in addition to the bathroom.

Miller told that this is the district’s first case of social networking bullying, and they are trying to keep the 13-year-old girl’s identity as private as possible.

“She is traumatized by the event,” Miller said. “We are trying to keep her privacy protected as much as possible to help keep her life as normal as possible.”

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  1. Aweis Kassim says

    I'm from the school

  2. Hasib khan says

    You will know that horrible stage when your brother (who’s been a loser for a lifetime, incidentally) gets a jaw-dropping woman to fall for him in 2 weeks?! Absolutely, that basically occurred. I believe I should be happy having said that I would rather it to be me. He stated he applied the the Cupid Love System (Search in Google for it). I would like to hide in a cave instantly.

  3. dinesh rocker says

    I've looked over most of the feedback. I believe that that is a respectable clip. My older brother would like to become effective with women of all ages. He was taught a lot from a site called Master Attraction. (Google it if you want pretty good emails on picking up girls.) The strategies relating to picking up girls at clubs in those emails from that site got got him his very first lays in 4 yrs. I got displeased however given that I heard them all.

  4. Christian Prepper says

    They must have kept saying it was a "sick picture" because she was a 13 yr old minor. The latest scientific data shows, people who are only attracted to animals are now said to be born that way (genetic pre-disposition) just like pedophiles & alcoholics. So this prejudice attitude should be checked & the discrimination against beastiality must stopped!
    Ironic? hmmmm

  5. Elvin Portillo says

    I bet she doesn't have a dad

  6. Anabelle Balanzar says

    This is so cool i will try this

  7. lovethefaith 3 says

    Jacked up

  8. HeedAndSucceed says

    What video is the "DAWKUMENTS" lady?

  9. Irina Kovacevic says

    @LordKaisen That's not one word.

  10. Audrigirl333 says

    I guess that woman never mentally graduated from Middle School.

  11. Slayy Gawdess says

    Aint that A Bitch..

  12. twilighter3456 says

    I would kill that mom

  13. myheadhurtsagain says

    @PumpkinIceCream No she didn't. There is NO situation that makes taking the picture of a 13 year old girl and putting onto a photo of that nature and then passing it around the area where that girl spends her daily life acceptable. And your comment is very hypocritical. That mom bullied that 13 year old girl and you just said you were against it and then said that you think it was the right call. Especially since no where did they say that this firl was a bully to her daughter. Way to go.

  14. albert sanchez says

    So Lamb

  15. Mystogan Edolas says

    @truesignabove Ah the old pessimist….welcome ^^

  16. TheVaJohns says

    Who cares….I don't.

  17. madnegro69 says

    Where is this freaky white bitch at. I need this whore in my bed.

  18. callowaymotorcompany says

    of course its utah

  19. Ms Maggie Love says

    @harjot500 because shes a bitch

  20. Tyler St. Amand says

    The people that made this show, are so STUPID!
    People are 'mental'?! Like it's an insult.

  21. Tyler St. Amand says

    How is this newsworthy? And why is this illegal?

  22. keithbu says

    make cheerleading illegal is next

  23. Ryuuken24 says

    Fucking awesome ! What a master mind crime, it's some photoshop kinda world!

  24. BurnRoddy says

    Paste that to my face f*cker not online and see what happens = Instant trial ROFL
    Stupid, stupid, STUPID woman; she should get at least a consolation prize for being that dumb maybe a picture of the juge and a PC with photoshop.

  25. Vala Grande says

    Can no one see the fun part of this, if It happened to me i'd be happy cause I'd get a lot of attention and gives me a moral highground to bully the other girl on the grounds that her mom is a stupid bitch and the whole school would totally agree with me. xD

  26. DoctorQ says

    Cenk's description of a parent all wrapped up in the affairs of their kids and crushing the other kids who are not on their kids' side… that sounds like republicans.

  27. BIGBOI2300 says

    aww that sad i thought the girl was 16 aww

  28. jxsilicon9 says


    No,she pasted a photo of her daughters classmate.

  29. jxsilicon9 says


    I use adblock plus. And it blocks all those ads.

  30. Nettices says

    Are you just psyched that adsense runs a BP ad to the right of nearly every video you make? Cause.. I'm not.

  31. Jen Rabuchin says

    @myfaultstudios She sees her home schooled and public schooled friends on a regular basis, she loathes the "Twilight" series and Britany Spears, Beyonce etc and instead listens to Imogen Heap and Infected Mushroom, reads Shakespeare for fun and is a big Anime fan. She can hold a decent conversation with people of any age, and corrects my grammar. (Mom, it's "you did well" not "you did good"
    I'm 200% certain we did the right thing.

  32. EatTinker says

    Does Utah really suck so bad and is so boring that you have to get this heavily involved with your kid's Jr. high school social situations?

  33. HexaSwell says

    lemme get this straight: the mom pasted a photo of her daughter onto another picture to bully her?! WTF is this?! the 80's?!

  34. Rindin says

    Wait, wait…. Security cameras in the the girls bathrooms? US schools= Minimum security prisons.

  35. myfaultstudios says

    @momzacarp be careful because if she isn't eventually immersed in the real world she will lag behind other socially later whether that be the work place college or both. You have to raise your child the best you can and let them make their own decisions. This kind of thing won't happen if you have raised a classy child.

  36. - Fadeley says

    this woman disgusts me. if you would go so far as to make your child the "best" by posting pictures of a 13 year old little girl. your sick. unfit to raise children. and now the daughter you were trying to protect is probably getting shit about it at school. and was it really worth it? you're going to face charges.

  37. Jen Rabuchin says

    We started homeschooling our daughter when she was 14, not because we're religious fanatics, but because there are kids in public school who are "sick" little shits. The last straw was when she was sitting with her friends after school waiting for their rides, and an older boy came up to them and started reading to them from a porn book. Teachers don't care once they're out of the class room.
    Even if only 1 of 100 kids in public school is psychotic, that's one too many.

  38. budspott says

    @1HumanKind OH and also, I'm not from USA. Fuck that shithole country. I mean, LOOK AT ALL THOSE CLASSY PEOPLE

  39. DionysianAssassin says

    She shouldn't go to jail for this, she should be fined. Shit like this is why America has the word's largest prison population and a ballooning debt. Prison is for people who are a serious danger to the public, printing off flyers isn't a serious danger.

  40. budspott says

    @1HumanKind FUNNILY ENOUGH I've never felt the need to google search animal porn, so forgive me for not knowing that it's so easy.

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