CRAZIEST Real Wedding Day Beach Shoot Ever w/off camera flash w/ Flashpoint RL600B & Sony A7ii


Join award winning wedding photographer Jason Lanier for the craziest shoot you’ll ever see done on the actual wedding day for the client after the ceremony and BEFORE the reception! PLEASE THUMBS UP, SHARE, LEAVE A COMMENT, AND SUBSCRIBE!

In June 2015 Jason took his wedding couple Jonathan and Amy Crawley down for a couple shoot to the beach in La Jolla, California. As you’ll see the wedding couple (especially the bride) were a little nervous about getting their wedding attire wet before the wedding reception. But with a little coaxing and encouragement Jason convinced them to get into the water and take images that they will remember and cherish for the rest of their lives.

Using the Sony A7ii and throwing caution to wind, Jason got into the water and risked his gear and himself to get shots that his couple would love. Jason used off camera flash using the Adorama Flashpoint RL600B. We hope you like the video and invite you to stick around and watch some additional videos while you’re here on our channel. And don’t forget to subscribe!


Jason Lanier Photography

  1. Tienthang Nguyen says

    Please tell me what kind of flash and trigger do you recommende . I have only 500 euro and i need HSS and TTL for my A7

  2. Stefan Lucache says

    just a7ii? briliant!

  3. Wahab Hameed says

    You didn't say what was your camera and flash setting.

  4. Jose R Casas says

    Yes, you create great photographic art. Yes, you have boo-koo years of experience. I salute you and do not disparage your accomplishments.
    But like most of us who do not have the same credentials and equipment and crew that you have earned, I challenge you to duplicate your exceptional work without the benefit of a bevy of equipment (loads of them) and a crew to assist you.
    Just you and a reasonably priced mirrorless SLR (ok Sony) and nothing/nobody else! It's like going back to your early days (I guess). I hope to see a video of that event if you so accept my proposal. Thank you. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

  5. Javi Calvo Fotografía says

    This is an amazing work, the pictures are great… what I don't understand is why some poor people is going against using a flash (he is JUST using a flash) to get this lovely photos and he has an style… What I think of haters or people that only criticize without doing anything better is that THEY DEFINE THEMSELVES…Thanks Jason for being that crazy, for not careing about haters, for share this and help us to get better phtographers (for the haters: I know this video has several years and is great still today and for many years to come)

  6. Demetrius Patterson says

    GOALS!!! Great shoot I’m inspired!!

  7. vangelaobli says

    Larry is the man!!! 🙂

  8. Great location and crew….have fun…!!!

  9. wikct2 says

    I wish you can give some of the settings you used in the shooting.

  10. Steve Rickard says

    A true Master!

  11. Noeline999 says

    I absolutely love your work Jason! Watched so many of your video's…. fantastic! I want to learn how to use off camera flash outdoors as it would take things to another level. I hope you come back to Australia one day…. pleeeeaassee….I missed your trip in 2015 as I was in Hawaii.

  12. Gos wo says

    Okay, gotta give it to you in all fairness – these photos are fykking amazing:-)

  13. Keep Smile says

    He is the best

  14. Kent Lee says

    i love oyu

  15. Jose Atencia says

    Not the type of photography I like, but still it is a nice work. I wish you could work with better poses (intimate poses) like Jerry Ghionis and more portraits. Also would love to see your work with natural light. Also a bit of retouching skin would be better for a professional photographer.

  16. Yelaiah says

    Jason you're awesome! Those pictures are wonderful, I really enjoy all of your videos. I wish I could go to one of your workshops. Thank you for sharing

  17. music lover says

    Where's this video wich city ? Please

  18. pduffy4 says

    0:22 fantastic shot!

  19. Salai TKThang says

    Hi, Jason, please make more wedding shoots.

  20. Charles Balce says

    I just love when Jason takes an awesome shot (most of the time) and reacts in shock! Like he never took a great shot before. Reactions like those truly epic! As always, I don't just love your work but how you're capable of making everyone you work with comfortable and happy!

  21. Rawl of the Dead says

    jason what was that dude telling you when you got off that rock?

  22. Kevin Khachan says

    Man you crack me up, I'm getting into off camera flash

  23. Laura Teodor says

    Great shots! Which lens did you use?

  24. Saint Bastien says

    My mate nate

  25. Gary Dean Mercer Clark says

    Suggestion?: Bring a change of clothing when there is a chance of getting wet.

  26. Valerie Wells says


  27. Top Kek says

    A9 be like: Nah you got 20 chances to get it right 😉

  28. Top Kek says

    Bring a drone and you won't have to wait for wind 🙂

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