Portrait Retouching Workflow (Affinity Photo)


See an in-depth, start-to-finish workflow for portrait editing in Affinity Photo. This video covers:

* Initial RAW development
* Working in a wider colour space
* Frequency Separation
* Retouching tools including Blemish Removal, Patch Tool, Healing Brush, Clone Brush and Inpainting Brush
* Selection Refinement
* Quick Mask mode
* Mask layers and tweaking matte spill with Curves/Levels
* Brush work to enhance tones
* Masking on adjustments/live filters
* Final sharpening
* Export and conversion to sRGB colour space

Credits: Photography by James Ritson

  1. Darya Said says

    It is a very good tutorial, but I think you covered more than Frequency Separation, which made it harder for me to follow you along… One minor point that I would like to refer to is that when I full screen it, the quality is really poor. 
    A huge well done.

  2. BenjaminGib says

    Superb. Thank you for these, Serif!

  3. RR26 says


  4. Faunus says

    Great tutorial! Thanx a lot!

  5. Ludwig Schreier says

    Excellent presentation! Thanks James!

  6. 28abr85 says

    Amazing class !!! Affinity is the best !!!

  7. winston charles says

    why does your tutorial does not work on a pc

  8. Carole Jones says

    Really enjoyed this, I learnt so much in one video. These tutorials by James are always so clear and easy to understand.

  9. CamyolaCola says


  10. Robert Hopkins says

    Excellent video! Thx for sharing the knowledge!

  11. Sravan kumar says

    How to Make a Bi-Directional, Optical Illusion, Photo Portrait

  12. Roland Rick says

    Yet another outstanding good tutorial, as all of your other ones are also!

  13. Luca Volpe says

    Any chance to show how to use the red eye removal in develop persona? Many thanks!

  14. Domineque Taylor says

    Can you make a video on how to create the video in picture affect? So like in the photo the only thing moving is her hair or the water. I know Photoshop has a timeline option to do this. Can this be done in this program?

  15. hunterX hunter says

    hey can you make a tutorial on how to make yourself in to a cartoon ?

  16. Unum sed Leonem says

    Silly woman, what did she do to her lips and the chin!.. I'm sure, she must have looked better without.

  17. Unum sed Leonem says

    As much as I love Affinity Photo, the GX requires a lot of polishing. For one thing, all the motley round buttons need to give way to something that actually does make sense and looks good, too. Also, the menu bar at the top of the screen takes up too much space.

  18. Vincent Stock says

    Thank you for the great tutorial. By the way, I hope you release the Raw file of her image, so we can exercise.

  19. Scott Williams Photography says

    Great tutorial. Thanks James.

  20. Danny Koh says

    Wow! That's really awesome. But by the end of the video could you show both the pictures before and after side by side?

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