1. Jay Julez says

    Man you get a like on this and a subscribe from me. This is the best review since you gave us 3 different aspects of thr same photos. Thats cool man!

  2. Paul Asido says

    Could you tell me the size of the thread?

  3. Bruce Baumgartner says

    dot is where you start not endpoint to put on

  4. Carlos Bezerra says


  5. Different World says

    Link to buy?

  6. Oscar Brak Fotografie says

    I could be wrong but i don't see a productname or a link where one could buy this. I really have no idea what this is, what's it called or anything

  7. 7twentyP says

    does the s7 edge lens cover also fits on s7 flat?

  8. Meng Yi Gaming says

    how much

  9. Sincere Johnson says

    Thank you.

  10. Constantine Blayz says

    Excellent review! As to the white dot lining up with the black dot, I find that the white and black dots are for screwing on the lenses without cross threading the threads on the case.

    Once again an excellent review.

  11. Pathum Kumburugala says

    Good opinions & a clear review.

  12. Kyle Miller says

    Has anyone heard of the dckina lenses for the s7? They look promising besides the fact there's no reviews of them anywhere. If someone would be willing to check them out and do a review I would greatly appreciate it.

  13. Zakaria Amin says

    Today I got the S7 and it seems there is a major flaw with the camera that nobody is mentioning. If there is a light source near the scene, then you can spot a flare reflection on the frame. In the beginning I thought it was because of the additional lense, but upon removing it I sadly realized the problem is still there..A real shame. Does anyone else have experienced the same problem?

  14. Cal D says

    Do you notice that the quality of the photo diminishes when blown up on a tv screen or printed?

  15. Clash with Aaraf says

    4:48 is it a selfie with the front camera???
    Please let me know…

  16. Andrew Wang says

    Thanks a lot for the sharing.

  17. Martin Cho says

    Thanks a lot for the video 🙂 I just got my lens cover and I am seeing some more videos now to make sure I will use it correctly. The official mini guide in the box could have included some more info on how to use the lenses and not only to tell you what kind of garbage that later is and some safety bla bla, but good we have people posting videos like yours. Cheers!

  18. Joseph - DI says

    Buying mine for me and a friend…

  19. Rafa M says

    buen video!

  20. OliverfromDenmark says

    Best review there is of these Samsung lenses. Thank you!

  21. Dolruedate Tiamtun says

    me too I can't move dot to dot I'm stuck at 9 O'clock

  22. Patrick Linden says

    Great sound.

  23. leofurda says

    Thanks for the review. I was so curious. I saw the lenses in the shop, for 150 €. But after your review, i realize the lenses are almost useless. Basically you'd never need them. Useful would be an optical zoom.

  24. Norm Booker says

    Best review yet showing standard, wide and telephoto shots, well done Sir.

  25. Rajinder Singh says

    what is the price??

  26. Deividas Malinauskas says

    Do pictures lose quality taken with lenses?

  27. Niles Hughes says

    Great review Thanks for posting,

  28. Tha Duke says

    Nice review and great pic choices. Hey, the music you used to edit it w/, can you share that, please? The link you have was blocked. Thank you. ✌

  29. Daniel Ortiz says

    bad ass review!

  30. Dimitrios Koumentos says

    Awesome review buddy 😉

  31. siva sagar says

    dude…the white and black dots should be aligned when you try to attach the lens…but not align them at the end of tightening….this is to make sure the cover thread doesnt get damaged..

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