EDITING Natural Light Portraits in Lightroom | Light and Airy Photography Tutorial


Free Lightroom Preset ►►
In this tutorial I’ll be sharing the step-by-step process for how to edit natural light portraits in Lightroom to achieve a light and airy look to the photos.


▷ ALSO WATCH – Part 1: ‘How to Shoot Natural Light Portraits’, with shooting tips and techniques for creating a clean, light, bright and airy look that’s popular with portrait and wedding photography.


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SUBSCRIBE for future Lightroom editing workflow + post processing tutorials for portrait and wedding photographers!

Music Credit:
Retro by Hurley Mover:

  1. Chelsea Nicole Photography says

    Hey guys! Just shared a new editing tutorial. If you liked this one, I def recommend checking out that one too! 🙂 It shares one of my favorite Lightroom techniques for bright and airy, sun-kissed photos (using brushes): https://youtu.be/ef67xniIcTU

  2. chris perscky says

    Front Focusing.

  3. Akeem Hill says

    You're super dope for this!!! Tha I you I have a lot a clients that love this look, but I had a hard time trying to pull it off! Love you

  4. Marisol Acosta says

    Hello Chelsea, are you still giving this preset free? I just subscribed but nothing was in the preset file. Thank you!

  5. CRAIGS LIST says

    aka how to to edit for white people

  6. Jordan Farris says

    I love your editing so much! I have a question in regards to the preset download. Is it only for Lightroom CC? I'd like to use it in Adobe Lightroom!

  7. Elizabeth Taylor McKnight says

    What kelvin do you shoot at?

  8. Jared Lane says

    Hello! Could you please post or send us this preset in a dng for Lightroom mobile? I’d love to try it out.

  9. Hendro Imams says

    beautiful gilr

  10. JPICASSO-Photography says

    Very simple. But I can't get the preset.

  11. red panda says


  12. SoundArtsOnline says

    Amazing video. Thank you so much!

  13. Macky San Andres says

    This is what I'm looking for. Thank you 🙂

  14. michi vanhalen says

    Why do you use iso 320 when your shutter speed is this high?

  15. Christopher Pinchbeck says

    Great tutorial thank you

  16. Mahesh pandey says

    Excellent Video. Thank you

  17. Kyaw San says

    Thank q so much!! btw you've angel voice <3 .

  18. Elizabeth Osipova says

    I would remove chromatic adoration that is quite visible on a vail near her face 🙂

  19. WILLIAM PERRELLIphoto com says


    Great video….

    I have tried to have your Light room add on, emailed to me several times but it never arrives?
    Is there a link issue?


  20. yarid yusoff says

    Tq chelsea

  21. Brian & Cayla says

    How do you drop points on the tonal curve?

  22. Kafein Cinema says

    great color tone!!!

  23. Yanique Turner says

    Which is the best light room to get?

  24. jdoud6 says

    Are you using your 85mm lens in this shot? Sorry if you already mentioned this!

  25. michalis merianos says

    nice job i will try this color tones on my photos

  26. Anita P. says

    Awesome tutorial. I usually hate watching tutorials, but yours are easy to follow. Thanks so much!!

  27. michele jones says

    Thanks. Learn't a lot and it was really helpful.

  28. Rahma Kareem says

    Awwwwsoooome 😍😍😍

  29. Ascendant Nomad says

    Brilliant. As a video guy myself branching into photography, this kind of detail and breakdown of Lightroom is really fantastic. The final turned out really beautiful too. Subbed.

  30. Rüveyda Demirci says

    Hi Chelsea, do you take your photos always dark and edit in lightroom? If not, which of them do you take dark? Thanks.
    Full and very teaching video ever, liked it by the way. <3

  31. Juan Manuel Moscat Franco says

    Thank you!!!!!

  32. Zebulon B says

    Girls + photography = “natural light”

  33. Carter Lloyd says

    The link to the preset download seems to not be working, not sure if it's a problem on my end or not. Thanks

  34. vanilla icedream says

    thank you so much for this video!

  35. Tamara Zelonkova says

    really love this tutorial! I am gonna try it now, thanks!

  36. smedz28 says

    the previous video and this one are probably the most useful tutorials i've come across on this style of shooting/editing

  37. Kurty Photography says

    Thank you so much for sharing! I've been looking for a tutorial like this for a long time. Your editing method is awesome!

  38. Ashtrals says

    Thank you for making a video that isn't so reliant on presets! I had a few photos with a light look to them already and wanted to make them even better. Your tutorial did exactly that! Definitely subscribed and will be checking out more of your content! 🙂

  39. T L says

    thank you

  40. Dagmara DRZAŁ says

    This is realy good! I must try 🙂

  41. Josh bingham says

    Wow great tutorial! thanks

  42. UsPlusDisney says

    Which Lightroom do you use?

  43. Chany Sandel says

    Thanx for sharing..loved it

  44. misshappygolucky92 says

    So cool! Love the video!! This is how I've began selling my travel photographs. What do you think? –> https://www.etsy.com/shop/gypsypalates

  45. Valentyna Ryan says

    Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! This tutorial made my day!

  46. Dung-Ngoc Le says

    love it.. thanks

  47. Samantha Lassig says

    Gorgeous! Is the preset still available?

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