Easily Retouch Skin Like a Professional! Affinity Photo Tutorial


Want to retouch skin like the professionals? In this Affinity Photo tutorial, we learn a simple technique to give your models silky smooth skin. The secret to this technique is combining frequency separation with the inpainting brush.
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Image copyrights belong to Jozef Zidarov from FindRetoucher.com.

  1. Darya Said says

    Thanks for the tutorial… Does affinity Photo support raw processing, batch processing? Thanks in advance.

  2. Talanya says

    I understand this version better however I am using an iPad Pro, how would I make a mask on there because its not the same layout

  3. musicshend says

    Tnx for your awesome video❤️i just have one question,isn't it better if we use inpainting brush before frequency separation or applying gaussian blur?!Im not sure but i think this way the skin will become more natural!

  4. Divus iulius says

    This was astounding and Amazing. You just made me a much better photographer by Light Years. Thank You So Much! I had to save this video just in case I forgot something. This is a real keeper, for sure!

  5. Eric Ryan Sound says

    Brother this is bloody genius!

  6. Armando Acevedo Fossatti says

    Exelent. Helow from Panama. One questions friend. Is possible use for skyn, plugins like imagenomic in affinity. Thanks for all. Sorry for my bad english 🙂

  7. Kota G says

    Ezra: "If you would like to follow along with the same image that I'll be using, I've included a download link in the description."

    Me: "I think I have plenty of my own photos to work with, but thanks"

  8. shan Lol says

    Thanks,how to solve edge double ?

  9. Derrick Clark says

    Any chance you will do an iPad version of this video? I have figured out how to remove blemishes (thanks to your other videos) but I still want to help even out skin tones on some winter pictures by helping to remove some of the red from cold cheeks but can’t seem to figure out a good way to do it. Thanks, and amazing videos by the way!

  10. Lukas says

    What do you do first when retouching.Dodge and burn or this frequency?

  11. dfg297lpopdirk says


  12. Tissan Kuhlman says

    The Picture is not working, it does not load

  13. Bugman MD says

    Thank you for your clear explanation of frequency separation and of the entire process here. Fantastic job. I'm definitely going to check out more of your videos.

  14. Mick Joyce says

    Great tutorial thank you.

  15. 4CardsMan says

    When I tried this, I discovered that I had overdone the Guassian blur. I was unable to find how to go back and edit the effect. I eventually undid everything and started over. Is there a way to edit an effect?

  16. Grzegorz Turek says

    I paint with a black mask brush and nothing changes. why ?

  17. syme71 says

    great videos. Thanks Ezra!

  18. Affinity Revolution says

    UPDATE: I made a small mistake in this video, and by following the technique shown in this video you could over-sharpen your photo. Here are updated steps to avoid over-sharpening.

    -Duplicate your original layer
    -Apply frequency separation
    -Add a Gaussian blur to the top low frequency layer
    -Apply a black mask to the top low frequency layer that was blurred
    -Paint in white on the mask where you want the skin softened
    -Lower the opacity of the blurred layer if the effect is too strong

    By making a duplicate copy of the low frequency layer, you avoid the extra sharpening. I hope that helps!

  19. Manuel Aspegren says

    Hello and thanks for your videos! Trying to follow this guide. When I getting to the point when (3:16) when you adding a black mask to the low frequency layer something strange happens, as soon that I’m adding the mask holding the alt key and clicks on the mask icon the photo seems to get over sharpened? I’ve tried several times and following your video too the point but no luck. Do you know what I’m doing wrong? Best regards from Sweden

  20. Kiki says

    Hello this is working great but on a certain area of my subjects photo, instead of blurring it turns white? What can I do to fix this? Thanks!

  21. That’s the best, most clear demo of this technique I’ve yet seen.

  22. *Darkness* says

    COUGH COUGH inpainting brush tool COUGH COUHG

  23. dusinski-media says

    I prefer to use blur or bilateral filter as a live filter. The mask is built in in the layer, you have only to invert the mask and you can paint with white brush like you want. And you can change the value of blur in any time if you need.

  24. Nour Alsaadie says

    What about the replacement tool of Stamp Clone, in PS?
    I was amazed about saving time in the last videos in your channel about this Affinity Photo monster!

  25. Junaid Kureshi says

    how can we apply black mask on ipad

  26. José A. Cortés says

    No se puede descargar la foto para poder hacer el ejercicio propuesto que me parece muy interesante

  27. Bruno E. Santos says

    How do you start?

  28. Bhuiyan Alam says

    Hi like your Tutorial. Please can you make one oily skin

  29. Stone Bethancourt says

    Got to say, its short simple and to the point. love it

  30. Dan T Do says

    I use this method a lot but the brush tool (B) often doesn't work. I've tried to use many ways to fix but still. Don't know what to do now.

  31. Charleone says

    Please how do I apply black mask to a mask layer on affinity photo for iPad

  32. FlyingNikon says

    Great tutorial!

  33. John Bailey says

    Great work

  34. Chris F says

    Can you do one for the iPad version?

  35. fator1000 says

    Muito bom. Gostei

  36. NekeWan says

    you have saved my stress. God bless you

  37. Zardos Spinosa says

    Ezra, can you please give me a detailed fix to this, I have had another look at it but just cannot work it out. I can really see the advantages of this technique, because technically quite simple, but I notice when I apply the mask I am left with a harsh detailed and noisy image. The brush works fine, if too much smoothing I can reduce the opacity, but I am still left with image being really harsh everywhere else. Thanks

  38. Zardos Spinosa says

    I am not sure about this version of the technique. I have studied the video and I cannot seem to get past the rest of the image being unduly sharpened. I am working on the low layer, I apply the mask, the image comes up with harsh detail, I apply the brush and brush the face then merge all layers. It does produce a nice effect on the face but when I look at the rest of the image it remains over sharp and noisy. I gotta be missing something here. Can you help. I have followed your technique exactly. Have you missed something out?

  39. Frank Littmann says

    Well, when you lower the opacity of the Low frequency Layer you add additional sharpening. Double the Low frequ. Layer before Blur rather Then doubling the Image layer

  40. Lynn Mason says

    Thanks for streamlining a complicated process. Beats starting with the Healing brush.

  41. Christophe Labolle says

    Thank you for so clear explanations!! Continue to help the beginners 😉

  42. Dawwal Creative says

    I've just downloaded the software and I really love it…I'm enjoying everything about it including the logo and style….my logo is similar colors too LOL….I LOVE the good vibes and tutorials that are well done and super friendly! Bravo team, well done!

  43. Kristina Hubova says

    Will the steps be the same on iPad Pro?

  44. Alec Drow says

    A pleasure…as always 🙂

  45. Dragan Ruzic says

    Very good video, please include (always in the beginning of the videos) in which Persona you are. I'm very new to Affinity Photo and I did purchase your complete course planning to go throught it during the spring, but it would make it easier to understand … Thanks!

  46. ozan özdil says

    Thank you, very good lesson.

  47. amit saroha says

    I tried it…it’s awesome…bt tell me how to merge the all layers and make a single layer

  48. olek olecki says

    Great tutorials. More please. 🙂

  49. Pacific Aviations says

    You are the best well explained easy to follow as well thanks a lot

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