Cambridge English: Preliminary for Schools, Victoria and Chiara


Read examiner’s comments here

This includes comments on the student performances in this video, and information on the format of the Speaking test and how it is assessed.

A sample Cambridge English: Preliminary for Schools Speaking test

  1. jacky says

    They both look nervous. They don't have to be so nervous.. 😊.. it is okay..👍👌

  2. John Texas says

    English is easy.

  3. Zebbo89 AceGamer says


  4. Sigla Noël says

    I have the reading,writing and listening in 2 hours and tomorrow the speaking! Pray for me✌🏼❤️

  5. Yunyum says

    Have this exam tomorrow.
    It will be easy after watching this

  6. Solange Lucas says

    Is it a Cambridge test? Oh, it is not so difficult and the girs,specially the Italian one, did all right.

  7. Solange Lucas says

    What kind of exam is it?


    I like that

  9. Oyunlar kralı says

    I dont understand…😢😢😢

  10. Ferhati Said says

    I like it

  11. Ferhati Said says

    It's good

  12. Shotti says

    test is tomorrow…

  13. Syayo Nara says

    I'm so nervous 😭 I hope I can do well

  14. Shami Khan says

    I liked the way Chiara speaks and also smile

  15. DIVERGENTE says

    Does anybody is watching the video because they will pass the exam very soon ? 😅

  16. NatNat 76 says

    That's really serious 😅I will pass this exam in june

  17. Manu 3026 says

    It seemed the french girl was Italian. She speaks as a lot of Italians do. Actually Chiara spoke with fluency. Btw I took my CAE exam yesterday and the structure it’s not so different

  18. nikson karrica says

    Did they pass ?

  19. Sheyyb 03 says

    Pray for me. I gotta take that exam in a week 😂

  20. HASSAN NADIRY says

    very great lesson

  21. Which grade is?

  22. Kero Adib says

    If someone is interested to have English partner

    I am here you are all welcome

  23. Iroda durdieva says

    Questions re easy , today I'll go to Cambridge English for registration

  24. Footprints English Tutoring says

    These videos are so great- I use them quite often in my English classes to show my students what the real exam will be like 😀

  25. princess Khan says

    Please make a big subtitle

  26. Shree Mukhi says

    Tomorrow is my Cambridge exam

  27. Nguyễn Trung says

    Do I have to answer the like this:
    Examiner: What's your name?
    Me: My name's Trung
    I think it's long, but it's more polite.

  28. Aurora Garcia gasca says

    Im taking this exam tomorrow wish me luck

  29. If any one can give me a little help ?

  30. Today I have this nervous exam god help me

  31. Lorem Ipsum King says

    Tomorrow.. I will make this exam.. Wish me luck! 🙂

  32. Shoody 44 says

    This is PET exam or KET ?

  33. PREHISTORIC gamer says

    Have my test tomorrow i wish i get A++ GRADE

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