Watch Me Edit This Portrait In Photoshop


Retouch and edit of a portrait.
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Photo taken with Canon 5D Mark 4 using 24-70 2.8 II lens.





  1. Eli_j says


  2. Djourdan Kotta says

    Jessica how to do great night photography?
    The lighting & stuff…
    Plz could u make bts video about it?
    Thank u…

  3. Verano Dulce says


  4. Shantoria says

    I really enjoyed watching this and getting a more personal + laid back vibe. Would love to see more videos like this and just keep getting to know you outside of photography

  5. Dame Noire says

    Frequency separation 😭😭😭 as a new photographer it's hell. But it's so relaxing, love your videos ❤️😍

  6. Sherrae Rucker says

    This is quite literally the first tutorial with a black model, let alone a dark skin model. She is lovely and THANK YOU. It's great to see representation and beautiful work!

  7. Krinkle Krunkle says

    also here's a different type of question, what specs is your computer cuz when use my Wacom with my laptop its always getting really laggy. Im already not super fast at freq sep but having the input lag really slows me down even more.

  8. Krinkle Krunkle says

    I dont understand what you are doing for the first 5 mins. Can someone explain what she is doing please

  9. Kissa Webb says

    I can always count on you to be real and transparent about your photography and your retouching. Seeing your growth has pushed me to step out my box a bit. I finally reached out to a few agencies because of you. So thank you.

  10. lord voldemort says

    4photographers and 1 male model. Jessica start using male models man🔥🔥🔥

  11. Leo says

    13:43 same

  12. Brett Maul says

    thanks so much for this! i love seeing your editing perspective in comparison to my own!!!

  13. Sheyilor says

    Heyy Jessica. Have been watching your videos I have learnt alot from your videos.. But as a retoucher I would say your today's edit is quite wrong. Or perhaps you are just getting Into retouching.. You skipped somethings that is essential. Imagine someone following this video step by step to practice. I can give you some tips tho. Am not trying to say am good tho.. There is no person beauty retoucher. Check out my Instagram @sheyilor_

  14. Cat Dh says

    Binge watching your video ,didn't even realize it's 5 A.M, I love to start learning photography but I just don't have any money to buy a DSLR camera even if it's cheap , I just finished high school so you know how it is and btw I love your photos

  15. David J Welker says

    Girl, I love this so much! Thank you!

  16. Sisekelo Nkambule says

    Please make a video on your photography workflow

  17. Omar Fernandez says

    This is very cool, i love it!!

  18. Shakeria Hicks says

    shook! i just learned so much!

  19. Trell West says

    Omg a series on dark skin models would be epic. There's not a lot of material on getting darker skin tones to look right on youtube at all. Thanks for this!

  20. Parrots and Potatoes says

    The edit with me videos are my favorite <3

  21. dacastardust says

    These are my favourite videos you do, it's so therapeutic to watch you edit 😍

  22. Gus JaKa says

    Just found your channel.. subbed

  23. House of farts says

    This model is the prettiest you’ve ever used let’s be real

  24. yuanying Mona says

    Could you make a video about how to set up a new tablet? I just got a tablet but I am not really good at using it…

  25. Faiza says

    More of photoshop please! Going into more details! Thank you so much for the helpful vids 💖

  26. Tania M says

    check out Pratik Naik's "the retouching series", it covers all the things and you can choose specific videos that you are interested in, like hair retouching, backdrop cleaning etc. it's a good source expecially because it's well explained and aimed at photographers who want to do their own retouching 😉

  27. Noealz Photo says

    I'd be interested in watching your speed edits, recently did one – they are pretty fun – anyways have a good one and hope your feeling is better now

  28. Yolanda Reyes says

    Even the before was amazing 😱😱

  29. simply camille says

    Ive been watching you for years and I just realized my whole workflow I've developed from watching you lmao and I'm majoring in photography.. why do i go to school im dead

  30. Serdar Cebizade says


  31. Donald Kline Photography says

    Goodness you sound like me a few months ago I did a car shoot and I spent a few hours on one image, doing dodge and burn with layer of refinements and I look at it now and I what was I thinking. I may try the frequency techniques.

  32. Andrew Areva says

    I need you to talk me to sleep every day. Your editing voice is so calming.

  33. Tim Duffy says

    Face cam would be interesting

  34. R I Q U E says

    Jessica: I love it, I think this is a winner.
    Also Jessica after 28 hours: How about we add another gradient layer.

  35. Ellie Coles says

    where can I purchase this action?

  36. Terence Awolola says

    The photo is very good without the edit even applied. So the first step to creating a good photo, like any other piece of media, is learning how to create a compelling composition. That's before you reach the editing stage. Good video 👍🏿

  37. Thee Adonisis says

    Not into the green hair :/ should've masked that

  38. Emma Dyce says

    can you do a video on how to save/export images at the right size/format etc and also archiving?? xx

  39. deanarys62 says

    I'm so sorry for your loss, Jessica. I can only imagine how hard this can be, stay strong!

  40. sillykhantvshow says

    I do the same thing to retouch photos to make it real good. And I don't tell the client. I just say I fix the lighting.

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