The TRUTH about Adobe CC for photographers


I run through some basic Lightroom tips and answers one of the most common questions: Which is best for my photography, Lightroom or Photoshop?

I explain some of the facts and myths about Adobe Creative Cloud for Photographers.

If you want to get started on Adobe CC, please click this link. It will send you directly to Adobe’s CC website PLUS it helps us out a bit too – Thank you!

Click here to learn about my Complete Photography Masterclass Course where I give a Lightroom Tutorial (1hr) away for FREE.

Click here to learn more about my pro-level photography and retouching courses here:

Learn more about Photography with Karl Taylor here…


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  1. dvrapant says

    Whoa there! Where the hell are you getting a pizza and a pint for 10 dollars? 😂

  2. Charith Mettananda says

    Karl if you cancel Adobe CC early, you pay a 50% early termination fee. (USD9.99 x rest of the months)*50%.please be responsible of what you say on a Myth busting video

  3. David Croft says

    Great tutorial. Thank you.

  4. Ramin M says

    I am not sure about month to month rental. As I remember Adobe always wanted to renew my subscription for another whole year. That was the message they were giving me. Eventually, I canceled my subscription model as I really prefer to buy my software rather than renting it which can cost much more, the longer you stay subscribed.

  5. Video man says

    Great video. You answered a lot of question I had about Photoshop CC. I’m getting ready to start a Photo Restoration business and PCC has a lot of great features that will make the restoration better and quicker.My concerns were it was online only and my work would be stored in cloud.I wanted to store in in a external hard drive and could to since I am paying for cloud.My fear was that if my internet was to go out I wouldn’t be able to get to are finish my clients project.I really don’t use Lightroom very much I have LR4 . Thanks for answering all those concerns.

  6. Flamewerkz says

    I find a lot of non-professionals complain about paid services whereas professionals just pay for it because they need it and it saves them time–>money. I've been realizing the same thing in my business. I used to spend hours searching the web for free info on all kinds of things, now that time is money, I just pay someone to give me what I need. That could be a course a tool that I use, software, or people to do things for me. I also use CC, and it seems like a good deal at $12 a month for me, but I can see the turn off as I used to never have any subscriptions either before it meant making money to me.

  7. chemicalsam says

    Creative Cloud is a scam.

  8. Laurent de backer says

    I've always liked Adobe, it's what got me into creation in the first place. I started out with Dreamweaver and Photoshop. I used Dreamweaver back in the days when it wasn't even owned by adobe but by Macromedia 🙂

  9. magnus pym says

    I will not pay rent for adobe products.

  10. Dirty Water says

    This is of deep concern for me because I am not a professional photographer. I am an enthusiast/hobbyist. As such, I do not use Lightroom all the time. I shoot a couple times a month maybe between my job and my son, and life in general. So to be charged $10/month for software I will use but a couple times a month is just a kick in the nuts as a consumer and it's shady business by Adobe. They have to understand it's not just professional photographers using their software

  11. Tony Buford says

    to the "expert" who says "professionals do not RENT their tools", professionals do exactly that all the time. You're aware that every single touring sound system is rented, as well the stages, as contractors renting post hole digging tools, emergency power generators, earth moving equipment, compressors, scaffolds, fences, and almost every light, camera, backdrop, police car, helicopter and costume used in every movie you've ever seen, right? Plus, many, many commercial aircraft are leased, unless you say airline pilots aren't professionals. In 2017, 256 BILLION dollars worth of lease aircraft are in the air. A quarter of a TRILLION dollars of rented tools.

  12. مساعد المجرن says

    Can I fix pitcher face in this program

  13. Sang Kim says

    Our company still use old outdated Adobe software we purchased for around $800 around 2006. We did not upgrade because we do not need the new features. If this was a subscription service we would've been out about $10,000. Subscription service is terrible deal considering that we can do all our editing work with 16 years old software.

  14. Sharon Mayhak says

    I pay $10.61 per month for mine. Very reasonable. Could never afford to buy the program outright. It's over $2,000 these days.

  15. Martin Richards says

    Nice ad.

    Pros. No way could I afford to buy PS and LR and keep up with the updates. CC gives me access to these powerful applications at an affordable cost.

    Cons. I'm only renting them. Ultimately I'll pay more. Capture One Pro is more sophisticated than LR, and if you have the patience, gives better results, imho.

  16. BODYSNATCHA says

    if you cancel adobe CC before a year, YES they will charge a cancellation fee, whatever amount of time left over for the year they will charge. i canceled my photography account 8 months into a year and i was charged 59.99. i now use my daughters student discount account. and i have also downloaded and learning Affinity Photo ( one time payment, no subscriptions, and works damn near close to Photoshop. and has focus mask, frequency separation, and a lot more. )

  17. Social Media Tutorials says

    I use Adobe CC 2017…. Loving It.

  18. OneWorldOneDream says

    I like all your videos!
    but this one sounds me like adobe cc advertisement
    cc is only expensive version and way how adobe earn more and money …

  19. Lawrence Keeney says

    I can not believe all the negative comments concerning these Adobe products.

    I have been a Photoshop user since version 3 (Not Photoshop 3), and a Lightroom user since it was first released. I initially hesitated to switch to the CC version, but once I did I can't understand why I hesitated. I no longer have to shell out a lot of money every year and a half, or so to get the latest version. I now get the latest version every month, or so for no additional charge. The $10/month is next to nothing for the power I have with Lightroom and Photoshop for my photography business.

    Lawrence Keeney

  20. Rob Bastien says

    Terrific information, thanks for sharing.

  21. Jim Dueker says

    error 16 prevents adobe photoshop 2017 and adobe bridge from opening.I spent 1-1/2 hours with an entry level techie, then an hour w/ a level 2 tech who found a work around, which is to open as an administrator. Which is a work around, and does not solve the issue. Then, another 1/2 hour w/ the level 2 tech, because adobe bridge failed to open with 'error 16'. Frustrating to say the least, 3 hours of my time to watch adobe techies 'fix' the issue w/ a work around.

  22. hiredphotographer says

    I like your video, i just subscribe and i like you but Adobe is full of bull shit with this monthly subscription. For PS i've switch to Pixelmator and for LR, heres the hard part – how the hell do i bring all my photos over to Capture One! – Wish me luck *cheers!

  23. Rabad Moustapha says

    Actually cancellation for month to month for 1 year they do allow cancellation but will charge you 50% of the remaining months for that year . That what happened with me but since I was upgrading to another level they forgave me that 🙂

  24. g0fvt says

    I have only recently stumbled across your videos, I had a trial of Adobe CC but it expired so quickly that I didn't get to explore it. I must admit that I was somewhat turned off by the subscription model but perhaps irrationally. I am only a hobbyist but when considering depreciation on cameras, lenses etc the subscription suddenly seems less expensive. I could save that money just by shifting my mobile phone to a more suitable deal…. currently I am using Gimp to edit my pictures but it cannot deal with the raw files from my camera…

  25. Jeevan Thapa says

    Adobe's work with new and innovative ideas is definitely the plus point. From beginners to the professionals, they can use the softwares in reasonable price rental system.
    But the thing is, once a Media Student gets his/her degrees(becomes a professional in any one of adobe collection), and he or she is just wanting to practice more and more to depth of any one of adobe collection, and they have no any business to earn money personally, how are they even going to rent the software?

    Millions of fresh students like me born in under developed countries have no access to e-Business also. And how can we even expect those area's new generation fresheners get creative or possibly a professional in Multimedia field. (Adobe is like a Air for Multimedia beginner levels as well as for the professionals ).
    This leads to the Piracy of genuine software(which is a total disrespect to a developer of the software.) which, mostly is used in under developed countries.
    Like me, I just completed the Bachelors in Multimedia with college providing the student package which is already over. And, I cannot depend on family's pocket to rent a software every month. Like me, there are millions of students who are wanting to get a job in studios or open their own studios. But, without being acknowledges as a professionals in genuine software, how will we even get to expose our selves and our creativity to the world?

    I agree with the Adobe's emerging concept into the today's world, but if adobe could leave some space to buy their software, but in a genuine way, i believe, it would be a healthy choice for both users and the developers. " A beginner level should always start from scratch unless he/she becomes a pro to spend 20-50 dollars a month for a package.

    Your review on Adobe's Creative Cloud was really helpful. Thank you Mr. Karl Taylor. I appreciate your key words.
    My apology for interfering with some unnecessary topics as well.

  26. cr0nosphere says

    thanks for the video, I haven't had PS on a computer for over 10 years and I've missed it so much. just needed to know if this actually gave me the full version of the programs. going to buy it now.

  27. I just can't get it. There is a single app plan (so you can have only PS) and the photography plan that is PS+LR that is almost twice cheaper. What's the trick? Is it limited somehow in photography plan or is it just the 20gb of cloud storage that make a single app plan expensive?

  28. Jahmal H says

    Can you edit videos in light room too?

  29. Maria Rosales says

    You convinced me! Almost 2 years later, still watching!

  30. arthur schwartz says

    By the way there is like a 50% Cancellation fee with Adobe Photoshop CC and any of the other Adobe CC, unless you purchase the CS6 LIKE Adobe CS6 Master Collection which is only a one time payment and not any Monthly fees etc.

  31. joelyboyblue says

    What Adobe has done is make their software available to even more people, CC subscription is so inexpensive where before photoshop alone cost $1000+ for every new version. The mobile apps add an absolute ton of function and value. It's epic what they've done with cc and it's phenomenal to use.

  32. KTK27 Productions says

    I bought all packages it's giving me a advantage in school and YouTube

  33. Bentley Bloodworth says

    Here's what happens when you have CC and after time you decide to quit paying you lose the use of the program. This is not good at all compared to my buying CS 5.5 I have the use of it as long as my equipment works with it. For CC to work you should be able to buy the program up front or if you have an older version then pay the monthly/yearly fee for the updates. Then when you decide to stop paying for the updates for whatever reason you still have the program to use but with out further updates. This would have me continue and go with CC as quick as I can.

  34. Billy Webb says

    I have 3 computers. I have a license for CS6 on one of the computers. I'm considering purchasing a license for for the CC cloud version of adobe to be installed on the other computers. Are the files interchangeable between the cloud version and my CS6 version?

  35. slap_my_hand says

    Do i need a good monitor for photo editing? My current monitor is absolute crap.

  36. Jakob Muxoll says

    Great video – I have a hard time understanding why so many people don't understand how this works – how can anyone possibly think that the software runs over the Internet? Software that require all the cpu and memory power you can throw at it?
    Why does so many people say that Adobe is greedy – it creates an opportunity for someone to subscribe to software, that would cost more than $1000.- to buy. Then, when you after a few years want to upgrade to a newer version with more features, you have to pay again.
    No, you don't own the software, but you can cancel anytime, you get the latest versions and features without paying extra.
    Do you subscribe to Netflix? HBO? Most of you probably do – do you have any issues with that? Didn't think so.
    How is a ridiculous small monthly fee, for otherwise ridiculous expensive professional software, a downside? If it weren't for CC, I'd have to either purchase the full software, which I don't have the finances to (more money to buy lenses), or pirating.

  37. Ginger Fisher says

    Great video Karl, this question may subjective.But in your opinion,how long do you feel it takes one to master this software.I realize that time and practice along with some patience.However we hobbyists and non professionals may get frustrated learning the software.Thank you Greg Fisher

  38. Darren Lee says

    Very helpful vid and run through Lightroom. Thanks Karl.

  39. xflyingtiger says

    Karl, thanks a lot. You have sold me on Adobe CC. I really enjoyed this video and I will check out more of what you have to offer.

  40. bbaker904 says

    For every day photographers the cloud may not be the way to go. The cloud is a connection way to link your phone, camera, or anything else that is on line to lightroom. If your like me, I do not link my camera to my phone nor do I do much of anything on line except share a few shots on facebook, the cloud is not a way to go. Go to the bottom of the adobe page and on the far right is a box were you can buy the standalone version with no monthly or annual fee. I do not make a living doing photography. My shots are just as good as most pro's according to some pro's. If I lived in a wired town with good cell and internet then I might go the cloud way. But for the average user, forget the cloud and buy the stand alone version.

  41. AVG films says

    leuk wil er meer van weten

  42. grease112 says

    Sorry, a professional doesn't RENT their tools. Who sponsored this crap? No serious professional does edits on their mobile devices either. Looks nice in a promo, but utter BS in the real world.

  43. Samuel Clifton says

    great little opening to the whole CC landscape

  44. Derek Comer says

    Great vid, thanks. Just got a new iMac to go with my i7 PC and I'm thinking about going with CC, mainly because of the price, it's only my hobby, but at £8.75 a month, it's cheap as chips. Cheers

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