Start to Finish Portrait Retouch & Replacing Backgrounds


Today, we’re doing a full portrait edit and retouch through Capture One Pro 11 and Adobe Photoshop as well as addressing how to cut out a subject to replace a background.

Below are the timestamps for each section if there is something specific you want to see. Enjoy and throw a comment down below if you have questions!

00:00:00 Intro: Camera Settings and Lighting Setup
00:03:23 Initial Edits in Capture One 11
00:09:16 Export to Photoshop || Initial Cleaning
00:21:50 Retouching with Dodge and Burn (Local)
00:49:57 Retouching with Dodge and Burn (Global)
00:53:43 Cut out Subject and Background Replacement
01:07:20 Final Color Toning
01:10:21 Surface Blur Sharpening
01:13:27 Final Sharpening and Crop in Capture One 11

Model: Nicolette Hatchett

Gear Used:
Nikon D750
Sigma 85mm F1.4 Art


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