Makeup tips for Teen GUYS for prom, dances, senior pics & more.


(Level: ALL) My nephew Josh asked if he can be in one of my videos. Not necessarily makeup related, but general. I thought it will be perfect as he is a Senior in High School, with Holiday, Winter, and Senior Prom dances coming up. He is popular in school – much like his uncle. An A student and a star Football and Basketball player. And much like any typical teenager – he is going thru the issues of ACNE. So here are a few tips on how teen boys can achieve concealed look to cover and soften acne without looking like they are wearing makeup and will look great on pictures. EnJoy!

Note that at first, the products looks lighter, because on his skin, concealer and foundation oxidizes much darker. So at the end of the video (‘after’) you will see that it eventually adjusted to match his color. SO – make sure your concealer and foundation matches AFTER it oxidizes.

Products used:
Neutrogena Men Face Lotion
Smashbox HD Concealer
Smashbox HD Powder Medium
MAC MSF Natural Medium Deep
Ruby Room Face Sprays

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No one paid me to make this video. I am not affiliated with the brands featured.

  1. Tony Mullenix says

    This young man's complexion is still blotchy even after concealing. Would have been better to use Bare Minerals loose foundation after concealing. It would have evened out his skin tone much better. Bare Minerals is an excellent product for males as it is undetectable on the skin, once buffed in.

  2. jacky o says

    i thought initially the makeup was too light but in the end it looked great! i'm going to try this on my son, if he lets me, lol. I really have to convince him because he's too macho to wear any kind of makeup but i'm sure his girlfriend will appreciate it on prom day, he has a lot of acne pimples and blackheads so we have to try something. I don't see anything wrong with doing this for big events once in a while and as long as the makeup is not very visible, it's fine for guys.

  3. Lime Gerard says

    he's too cheerful for my taste

  4. Lexx T says

    Umm poor boi.. That was to light for his skin tone.. It was visible..

  5. sebastian humphrey says

    A jock? Lmfao!!! I can bloody see the concealer.

  6. Jherome Slays says

    You sound like Barney

  7. Someone123 says

    Uhh not his shade

  8. Jackie Valenzuela says

    The concealer looks too light for his skin color

  9. Jay Hyder says

    Boys don't wear make-up🙅

  10. Perfectbodyhair MUA says

    Love it!

  11. Keanu Savea says

    I bet he didn't think his uncle would get so many views off this video lol

  12. Kay says

    Why is he listening to music during the video? Hahahah

  13. Nik says

    Amazing how well it turned out, can't even tell he's wearing anything. I'm going to try this myself.

  14. jessica lucio says

    Your nephew is really cute :3

  15. WALWIN says

    This was really helpful. Thanks!

  16. Brand says

    That's actually pretty cool.

  17. TheLotusong says

    Wish i could bring my daughter right over to you before her prom tomorrow :~)          Thanks anyways and Thank you Young Man for allowing your uncle to do this tutorial on you

  18. Ervain Sanon says


  19. Jane Walter says

    Poor guy.

  20. Cyan Marguerite says

    For pete's sake people, there's nothing unmasculine about a little bit of correction. You wouldn't have a problem with a buttload of hair gel, and some natural makeup is 200% more attractive than that crap. Gross. Nothing attractive about an insecure guy paranoid about masculinity who can't stand to see confident, sexy men wear a little powder or do their eyebrows. (If you do ANYTHING guys PLEASE clean up your brows- it does so much for you)

  21. Aasim Khan says

    very good video. great tips man

  22. Joe blow says

    You look beautiful.

  23. alice tomson says

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  25. Daigo Kisaragi says

    That looks great.

  26. mary lu says

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  27. Lhin Doh says

    What is the refresher spray or brand details etc.??

  28. Lhin Doh says

    He actually could use a little. I wish such ideas were around when I was in highschool:-(

  29. linda w says

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  30. skillz labi says

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  31. ely funy says

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  32. QaaTaR911 says

    i guess so !

  33. McKinley Mickelson says

    He's super cute!!!

  34. thefakeblake says

    Very informative video!

  35. shanna levy says

    Do not feel guilty, acne can disappear from your life, find out how at

  36. Ivette Aldapa says

    He kind of looks like Anthony nold

  37. Chanta Brown says

    I found the definitive acne cure, let me help you, copy and paste the domain below into your browser

  38. Makaila Cotton says

    josh is so cutee omg lol 🙂 🙂

  39. Susan Heinen says

    If you're struggling with acne then go to for a permanent way to quickly get rid of zits andscars

  40. gina tanase says

    You’re self-stem is being affected, we have the final solution for acne, let us help you, copy and paste the link below into your browser

  41. Nani Ani says

    Could you please do a review on Estee Lauder double wear foundation?

  42. Jason says

    Because he doesn't wanna remember the names of the products this guy's using on him, so that it doesn't give him any ideas. He's also listening to shit music: Lil Wayne, Drake, Beiber, Minaj…

  43. Adriana Clark says

    your nephew is cuteeee.

  44. Daisy Flores says

    I love this tutorial. Looks so natural. I'm definitely going to start doing my brothers and bfs makeup for pictures. LOVE that your nephew had the balls to get makeup done!

  45. thevoxmox7 says

    you guys i need help!. I am very acne prone do you guys have any tips for light natural looking makeup for guys. Prom is comming up soon and I wanted some tips for natural looking makeup that wont break me out. Thanks!

  46. Jake Eliares says

    Gawd, he's cute; with or without makeup…. 😀

  47. Kim Greene says

    He looks fantastic Koren. Can't tell he has makeup on. Great tips!

  48. Shalemar Davis says

    I need to show this to allll my male friends. They always talk about their skin but when I suggest makeup they act like I asked them to kiss the dirt in a junkyard. Lol.

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