Top Pro Matt Hernandez Senior Portrait Tips with the Rapid Box XXL

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Watch how Top Pro Matt Hernandez makes stunning Senior Portraits with a single light, and the 48″ Rapid Box XXL. The Rapid Box XXL builds in seconds and produces great lighting for all situations. The Rapid Box Octabox also allows photographers to mount a deflector plate to create a portable beauty dish. To learn more about the Rapid Box XXL, visit

  1. John Kaddouri says

    Matt, great job – Thank you!

  2. Eccentric Smithy says

    His final images look cartoonish. Way overboard with the skin smoothing. Not skin texture.

  3. Eccentric Smithy says

    He put plate on backwards.

  4. R C says

    Very informative videos.

    Would you mind e mailing mr a copy of contract used and pricing.


  5. Richard O'Donnell says

    were the stadium lights edited on after the fact?

  6. Bethanie steph says

    shooting at F6.3 you can tell he had to go crazy with the High Frequency Seperation 5:07 , Just do 1.4 so you don't have to have to over do it with high frequency seperation. Actually I want to say stop using HFS it's so obvious. ND8 filter removes 3 stop of light or use a NDX filter.

  7. spiros litsas says

    terrible skin retouch,dont you heard about freguency seperation?

  8. East End Photographer says

    Can the smaller 26 inch rapid box be used wit the Einstein E640 unit. Is a speed ring adaptor possible?

  9. Joedy Barnes says

    What light stand are you using?

  10. François Frenkiel says

    The beautifull photos are so retouched that it is not possible to see any difference between Beauty dish no diffusion and Octa Box w/both diffusion layers. It is not very helpfull.

  11. shaolin95 says

    Do I need anything special to use this with the Xplor 600 TTL (from Adorama) ?

  12. Gracebeliever077 says

    Matt how would an SB-910 perform with that Octabox in this situation? I have that flash and am curious.

  13. Fahad Bashraheel says

    Is there a grid for the XXL rapid box?

  14. DaZerVin Photos says

    I have the same Einstein 640w… Want to get the same rapid box but which speed ring do I use????

  15. francois bienaime says

    hi man what's the power of your light 600w/s ???

  16. Ricky Thao says

    Great work Matt

  17. orsersco says

    Is the reflector plate on backwards? Seems like the convex side should be toward the light source.

  18. jumaigac says

    is there an adapter for pcf einsteins?

  19. jumaigac says

    can it be used with speedlights? or juststudio lights

  20. Troy says

    Stunning images, no doubt wonderful light created. Love the sun shining through.

  21. YQZFSHNJ says

    Very impressive! 

  22. RMO6701 says

    Very nice!

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