Landcam: Camera & Square Photo Editing App for iPhone


***Promotion is Worldwide excluding the US***

Landcam is an all-in-one camera and square photo editor for iPhone, I recommend the app to any Instagram user, just makes a great companion for your iPhone and Instagram photography.


Apple Store:




Google Plus:



  1. Peter Haken says

    Where has this gone from App Store????

  2. Daniel Bradshaw says

    Thank you, glad you enjoyed 🙂

  3. Daniel Bradshaw says

    Glad you like the video, its very good app if you like Instagram style photos, reminds me of the Analog app that got a lot of hype a few months back, but in my opinion much better, due to it having a lot more settings and features. Think it will be an app I'll be keeping and using on my iPhone.

  4. Robert Bell says

    Cheers for that one looks a really full and comprehensive app.Just downloaded it 🙂

  5. Daniel Bradshaw says

    ***Promotion is Worldwide excluding the US***

    Sorry didn't make this clear in the video guys.

  6. Daniel Bradshaw says

    Would seem the promotion is worldwide excluding the US, sorry about that buddy.

  7. Jane Jones says

    Nice. Downloaded but not tried it yet. Looks a great app.

  8. Daniel Bradshaw says

    No issue here.

  9. Daniel Bradshaw says

    Yeah I like it a lot, thanks for watching 🙂

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