Gift Idea for Friends or Family: Photo Box


Great Idea for a handmade gift for your family, friends, boyfriend, etc.

Supplies used:
Wooden Box (Michaels: around 4-5$)
Craft Smart Paint (Michaels: 1$ per bottle)
Mod Podge: (Michaels: around 4$)
Cardstock: (Michels)

Total Cost: around 12$

  1. summer Marie says

    You should’ve done Kermit the frog on it 🀣🀣🀣

  2. MPTech says

    Very good idea
    Thank you so much for giving me the idea

  3. Kaylynn Parrish says

    Great for father's day thanks

  4. Life is Good says

    How small are pictures???

  5. Pau De Veyra says

    Hiii,so I wanted to do this for my bestiee.But what can I substitute for a cardstock?I cant find cardstocks because I live in the Philippines and theres no michaels.Plss answer meβ˜ΊοΈπŸ™πŸ»πŸ˜„

  6. Shoodsh Smile says


  7. pershang tovi says

    DId you print off the pictures from a computer or go and actually have them printed? Trying to do this for someone, I'd love to know how to get it just right, thank you!!

  8. Aditi Harsh says

    So beautiful.thanks for this.😊

  9. kmh0621 says

    How did u print the pictures out that size

  10. Matt K says

    Can you tell me who you use to print out your Photos? I’m trying to make one for my wife and I can’t seem to accurately crop the photos and keep what I want in the pictures.

  11. Ashley Kafka says

    This is such a cute and a creative idea! I plan on doing this for my boyfriend as part of an anniversary present. By any chance, do you know the size you printed your photos?

  12. NAVJOT KAUR says

    Awesome ideas ..I love thisπŸ’πŸ’

  13. ram gopal says

    Good think

  14. Krizsha Velanueva says

    This is sooo great I need some ideas for my project…. very helpful πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡

  15. Genna25 says

    Love the idea for showing someone cool memories as a keepsake. Thanks for sharing.

  16. Trisha MacamTV says

    What is the other Term for card Stock ….
    I'm from Philippines

  17. Vedika Dubey says

    very beautiful I am going to make it on my sisters birthday. I hope she will like it.

  18. Vinay Batawale says

    Nice I like u r idea

  19. Rengasri Jagadeesan says

    Your idea is simply amazing and easy to make! I did the same exact thing today for my cousin πŸ™‚ Thanks for this video Mila πŸ™‚

  20. Tia Knowles says

    Making this for my boyfriend as a birthday gift, but instead going to use some photos,and birthday card lines and jokes! Thanks so much for sharing this! Girl you rock!

  21. denise galarraga says

    I love luking the best dicor a have

  22. Arjumand Khan says

    not bad 😐

  23. Gladys Tan says

    great idea πŸ’“πŸ‘ thanks ☺

  24. eman khalifa says

    very nice 😍i will do it for my husband .. thank you ❀❀❀

  25. Victoria Martinez says

    Where can you print small pictures like that?

  26. Lydia Oley says

    so inspiring cute


    To my dear and dearest VishnuπŸ‘«πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜Š

  28. Adarha Sanchez says

    Does anybody know if she used regular printed paper for the pictures or the regular pictures?πŸ˜…

  29. EnMaybee says

    thank you!!! im so stuck to gift a birthday present for my girlfriend.. now i have idea just watching your video, thanks !

  30. TheVictorian101 says

    most simple tutorial, thank you!

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