Galaxy S9 vs HTC U11 Video and Photo Camera Samples 1080p 30fps

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Samsung Galaxy S9 VS HTC U11 video and photo battle at 1080p 30fps.
HTC U11 link:
Galaxy S9 link:
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  1. Ghgxc Sycb says

    U11 better

  2. Davide Berti says

    good test but the upload quality is terrible

  3. Michael Aguila says

    I keep going back and forth between liking the S9's pixel-like dynamic range and contrast and finding it a little dark on the video. The U11 seemed to light shadows a little better when you went under the bridge too. Sound was probably too close to call. The S9 only really killed the zoom. I was surprised how drastically things changed when you went to still photos, the U11 seemed to have nicer saturation and contrast. U11 killed it for me on the stills. I think I like the selfie proportions a little better on the S9, but I preferred the U11's image. Excellent video. I'm guessing things would be quite interesting in a low light shootout with these two.

  4. Mark and Kathryn Dahlager says

    Navy veteran here…love the park! Lol

  5. Mark and Kathryn Dahlager says

    Audio on the S9 is great!

  6. Mark and Kathryn Dahlager says

    The S9 looks a little better to me. The U11 is a little cooler with its colorization.

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