On this video, we are going to the Hidden Beach in Jimbaran Bali. Me and my fiancee are actually doing a photoshoot in there. Shooting on Contax 645 medium format film camera with Ilford HP5, Kodak Portra 160 and Fujifilm Pro 400H.
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Thank you so much guys! 🙂
Bang aria kalo pentax 645 bagus gak buat wedding photography?
Love your work
Instagramnya apanih mantab hasil hasilnya
Lovely colors. Beautiful model. Good job
Dude what focus screen do you use? I have the MFS-2 and I'm having a bit of a hard time
Your baby-girl might just be the most beautiful creature I have ever seen! Oh… and nice camera too!
kereen eey ☺️
What a grwar video. Your fiancee is lucky to have a great photographer as you always by hand
Klee mantep 🔥🔥🔥
Mas mau tanya.. kalo motret backlight menggunakan film.. ituk kudu di overexposure ya?? Soal.e hasil punya e mas.e itu cahaya yang di depan objek sama di belakang bisa seimbang… harus.e kalo di overekposure.. cahaya backlight nya jadi tambah over kan mas..
Your photos are attractive !! Did you shoot +2 exposure when shooting? Or did you shoot at Exposure 0? I wonder
selalu suka warna-warna film, sorry menurut mas dengan hasselblad H1/H2 bedanya gimana yah mas?
mau coba2 di film medium format tpi contax lumayan harganya..
thx :))
mau tanya mas, apakah ini hasil fotonya diolah lg pakai photoshop/LR dan semacamnya? atau hanya sekedar cuci dan scan saja? makasih.. 🙂
lha ngomong bahasa yang komen english.. bagus banget hasilnya!
Awesome pics man! It would be interesting if you could comment shutter speed and apertures used for each shoot
awesome work! What lens you use for the contax?
sometimes I wonder why people even bother, total garbage, but I did see the Porsche
Thank you for sharing this adventure with us. The photos really look stunning!
I am looking to get a Contax 645 with the 80mm f2 lens but…I think the prices online are actually completely crazy…especially for a system that is not even maintained anymore. So I would like to ask if you have special tips or plans to get this camera? I look forward to hearing from you dear Aria.
Wow nice ! which Aperture do you use at Most for your Portrait work ? F2?
Stunning work!
love it