Adam's Photography Vlog #1: Cityscapes – Downtown Los Angeles


Cityscape photography with Adam Hoggatt. This is vlog #1 in a new series where I photograph landscapes and cityscapes around LA.

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Check out German Photographer “Rudy” RÜDIGER EICHHORN:

Music by This is the Giant:

Subscribe for more landscape photography and cityscape photography on location!

  1. Sergio Hernandez says

    what camera are you shooting with?

  2. artemorbid says

    Great content, was wondering what kind of camera are you using in the car? it looks super stable while you drive, great content, I have subbed and plan on checking out more of your videos.

  3. Mario Navarrete says

    Where exactly is this bridge? Can’t find it

  4. Rob Moses says

    Cool bridge spot there. Like the view for sure. Ever think of keeping a cheese burger in a can in your bag ? lol 😉

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