B&H Prospectives: Realistic HDR Photography | Tim Cooper


In this episode of Prospectives, Tim Cooper visits the B&H studio to discuss some realistic uses for HDR photography. He takes us through a few HDR composite examples and outlines the reasons for shooting high dynamic range images.

Tim Cooper Photography:

Tim Cooper’s Event Space Videos:

Creating The Realistic HDR Image

Creating Dynamic Landscape Photographs

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  1. claucantu100 says

    Simply AMAZING!

  2. Nikorasu Oxendine says

    HDR can look so fake though.

  3. Divi Photos says

    Cool video

  4. Paul D says

    Great HDR video Tim. I shoot lots of HDR landscapes and architecture. Knowing new ways to set up my bracketing really comes in handy.

  5. KBee795 says

    I like using HDR but my detail in clouds is way over the top. I end up shooting a RAW shot just for the sky and a HDR of the ground to get solid, good looking results with next to no noise in the shadows. How can I avoid to much detail in the sky when shooting in HDR? My post work is good but can I get better shots out of my HDR three shot mix?

  6. Paul D says

    Great HDR tips! There are always new ways to take great HDR photos! No 2 situations are alike, thus, different HDR shooting strategies are required to render optimal results.

  7. Evan Melgren says

    Hi, great walkthrough- I have a question about high volume workflows. I shoot real estate HDR, and I'm on a mission to find a workflow that will automatically group and merge my 3-shot bracketed exposures into the .DNGs. I'll leave a house with a couple hundred shots, and maybe 80 merges to do. Takes ages. Ever come across any automations for that? It'd be tricky- couldn't have any extra shots in the folder…

  8. Truthful For Eternity says

    Does HDr improve resolution?

  9. Setting The Wheel In Motion says

    Nice HDR photos. Do you leave your aperture the same for each shot in the series? I've been told that keeping the aperture the same is necessary since changing it can change depth of field. Any thoughts?

  10. saab900t16 says

    For gods sake look at the camera when you are talking. Look at the viewer.

  11. Vishweshwar Kandalgaonkar says

    Nicely shot all pictures. Thanks for sharing

  12. I got a question: what are the differences betwen photomatix and the lightroom-hdr-module? Is this module good?

  13. Pat Pathinayake says

    Dear Mr. Cooper, many thanks for the very informative video. Nice voice with dynamics drives your speech right where it belongs. Learnt a lot how to do it properly.
    Canon 5D MK III has HDR feature built-in which saves much time. Please could you recommend a reasonably a priced software package such as Lighgtroom of PS Elements? Which one will have more feature can you tell me about the prices please. I want to watermark my images. Thank you. Best wishes Pat

  14. studio7 says

    Perfectly explained..great!!!!!

  15. Glenda Anderson says

    great learning video. thanks.

  16. Michael Johnson says

    Man, the last HDR tutorial vid I watched was an absolute bloodbath in the comments section (Topaz Labs feat. Captain Kimo). It's nice to see that wasn't the case with this video. I hate how negative people can be over HDR photography. I've always thought of the photography community as very pleasant and motivating. That was not the case with the last vid. Anyway, loved this video and am really getting the hang of this HDR thing.

  17. Player1 Productions says

    thank you dude, very helpful

  18. Leffe49 says

    Sorry to say. It dosen´t look realistic. Ok, the image is nice, but nor realistic.

  19. Ankit Dixit says

    Wow, What a great description of HDR photography.

  20. aninstrumentalvision says

    Good info! thx

  21. Firas Miri says

    how difficult is it editing 3-5 images together in photoshop? do we have to buy a hdr-spicific tool in order to edit our photos, or do we just have to do it manually?

  22. Garth Hope says

    Very good tutorial.

  23. Macfarlane Woodworks says

    HDR rules!

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