Photography Tips : How to Take Great Graduation Pictures


Graduation pictures that break the mold can include interesting angles, dramatic lighting and non-traditional poses. Make keepsake graduation photographs that grab everyone’s attention with helpful tips from an award-winning photographer in this free video on photography techniques.

Expert: Tom Sapp
Bio: Award-winning photographer, Tom Sapp, has been an evolving and constantly growing photographer since 1999.
Filmmaker: Reel Media LLC

  1. Ahmad Syukor Mohamad says

    show the some photo and guide dont just talk

  2. bonny ray says

    Fuck u ur sucks

  3. Exclusive Motivation says

    It will be my graduation but I'm the photographer but I won't be able to be the photographer so now what

  4. shropshire21 says

    Thank you for your assistance. I will use a similar setup for the graduation ceremony tomorrow (full frame dslr and a 70-200mm f/2.8).

  5. Posh Gurung says

    That's really brialliant.

  6. jamil ghanayem says

    thanks 🙂

  7. Faith Pannell says

    thanks so much! this really helped!

  8. Joe Cape says

    Thanks for the tips. It took me weeks to find someone with the answers I was looking for. I'm going to attempt to shoot my good friend graduation. I shooting with a Nikon D600 and the 70-200 VR2. I'm also bring the 24-70mm.

  9. Anthony Arrigali says

    (indoors, by the way). depends on the lighting/scenery

  10. Anthony Arrigali says

    blur is due to low shutter speed. you can get away with 1/50, f1.8-4.0 and 400-800 ISO depending on your camera/lens. the grain is from the ISO, 800 is usually the safe zone for some cameras.

  11. Quan Nguyen says

    Is it Ok if I use 55-300 lens ?

  12. Tony R says

    Wish I would have found this sooner. Graduation pics last night had blur 🙁 only had my ISO at 800 because I was afraid of graininess on my d300s. Guess I shouldn't have been afraid if going to 1600?

  13. Lynda Fletcher says

    Great tips – thanks – graduation tomorrow

  14. Tracy Kirkendall says


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