Nikon's 18-200mm Lens for Wedding Photography – Part 2


– Learn how to get the most from and put the features of Nikon’s great 18-200mm lens to use in wedding photography. See why this is such a fantastic lens that covers the wide range most photographers shoot in and you can go from extreme wide at 18mm to full telephoto 200mm zoom with a turn of the wrist.

  1. Past Time Past Time says

    Oh i should buy this one instead of 70-300. So, this lens can do wide shot

  2. leicocone cocone says

    that was awesome bro!!.. may i ask what camera body did you use here ?? ..

  3. Kerem Go says

    Great job! I've noticed some depth of field added on post but still looks pretty good. I'm thinking about this lens as you said instead of carrying a lot of stuff. Really practical and with decent results as I can see. Thank you very much for the video!

  4. sam meredith says

    Hi i from the UK . i have the nikon d7200 with the 18-300 lens 1: 3.5-6.3G EDDX VR lens takes great photo's , but i would like to try wedding photography but don't know what other equipment i need to start off and how to find work . Please help.

  5. Dennis W says

    They also have a 28-300mm for FX

  6. kvdgadj says

    Are you using flash. What is your setting.

  7. Skizo says

    What mode is best to use for weddings?

  8. vinoth gv says

    can this lens can be used on nikon d750

  9. Jep Maningo says

    I have a question, please. since you're gonna be zooming in and out, do you have to keep adjusting the settings or do you go on aperture priority? I use mostly primes so I dunno. thanks in advance.

  10. Scarlet Pimpernel says

    Thanks photofonz for your straightforward approach to this tutorial there is not many other contributors who put this lens down. Its a joy to listen and watch some one with the same thoughts 

    I have used This Lens for 8 years with My d300  at weddings as the main equipment and its funny none of the bride and grooms have complained either. I have always known that The Nikkor Lenses are excellent and I don't think they would produce any sub standard.

  11. duanemcclun says

    Very nice pictures!
    On these wedding photos what camera model were you using and we're you using spot or matrix metering?

  12. Gitaryzt85 says

    Nice video. The only thing stopping me from this lens is that I much prefer a 35mm f1.8 prime for indoor use when there is low light. I have two bodies, one with a prime lens and another with a zoom lens for different scenarios.

  13. beautiful world says

    i dont think ill get this quality using my d3200 after i use the same lense. am i right sir?

  14. beautiful world says

    plz tell me which camera hv u uswd for this videos and lense

  15. Wax Groove says

    Is this lens anybody for sports photography ?

  16. Jesus Samaniego says

    I had this lens when i was starting a few years back and sold it,i regret it,but now i have the 18-140mm Nikkor,do you like the 18-140?.,thanks.

  17. Ramesh Gangale says

    Sir, one lens does it all.

  18. Pablo Augusto says

    If you have to choose only one lens to work in the weeding, which one would you choose?

  19. Pablo Augusto says

    Nice work and thank you for this video very informative

  20. A Stargazer says

    is tamron 18-200 good for wedding photography too?

  21. Victor Rivera says

    once again, thanks for putting this video on the nikon 18-200 vr lens. it covers a lot of ground, and I'm considering it. already have my 18-55 up for sale on ebay. again thanks. I happen to have the d7000 also, it pairs nicely with the lens.

  22. menghor chry says


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