Asian Box Mukbang! Reacting to High School Pictures!

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Today we are eating Asian Box and reacting to old pictures from high school!



Snapchat: bmarszzz

Snapchat: chantyyp

Welcome to Mukbang Monday! We are your favorite dynamic duo Bmarsz and Chanty! We love to eat, cook, and chat with you! On Mondays we do mukbangs and on Wednesdays we do ‘whatever’, which includes ASMR videos, vlogging, food faqs and other random fun. Subscribe and lets eat 🙂

  1. Amber Burbo says

    I love y’all and watch your vids all the damn time but I have to skip all of bmarsz chomping bec it bugs me so bad lmao

  2. Kate R says

    Cilantro tastes like soap.

  3. Abby Davis says

    I've nearly died watching the choking moment😂😂 I watched it like 4 times

  4. katie smith says

    Cilantro tastes like puke to me 😲
    Also i can do the clam shell tongue thing! Tonuge? Tongue? I can't spell!

  5. Ultimate Lia says

    Yep! We gotta spread that good word!
    I’m one of Jehovah’s witnesses so definitely agree with that 🙂👍🏼

  6. Louise Maxwell says

    Normally love Bmarz, but.. the tone of voice you used when talking about Emma was slightly “I’m too good for that” sorta tone. And she’s 17, not 12. 💓

  7. Christina Davis says

    I love cilantro and my dad hates it!

  8. Hayley Miller says

    Cilantro definitely tastes like soap to me, which makes me wonder what the flavor is like to people who actually like it. =)

  9. KerryAnnization says

    I love cilantro but I hate ginger because it tastes like SOAP!

  10. Stephanie D says

    19:50 you guys made me laugh so hard that the dried face mask that I had on literally cracked everywhere 😂😂😂

  11. Rebecca Lauren says

    I HATE cilantro

  12. Silver Winter says

    You've reached 30 K !!! YAYYYY 😀

  13. aprilbaby8958 says

    Hate cilantro. Threw away a whole plate of tacos once because they were covered. I'm not a fan of soap

  14. Samantha Beez says

    This was a good one 😂I’m sorry I laughed so hard at your choking sound, Chanty

  15. Joslyn Ann bella says

    I got my braces in sophomore year and didn’t get them off till my senior year! It sucked! LOL

  16. OneHell OfAParent says

    Pro cilantro!!

  17. OneHell OfAParent says

    You two should recreate your cringest High School photos.

  18. Rokette *-* says

    I love cilantro!😁 You girls are so funny and entertaining. Never a dull moment. The food is always deliciously So Fresh And So Clean😁❤👏👌

  19. Kelly K says

    I trained my tongue to do the clover thing!!! 👅

  20. Nikky Cruz says

    I love Cilantro btw

  21. Nikky Cruz says

    Love y’all! Please do another fast food mukbang soon ❤️❤️ it keeps me from eating bad watching you guys eat it 😭😂

  22. Jessica Keeney says

    I love cilantro!!

  23. Sarah McCarthy says

    lmao why the fuck is it "asian box" how can it be food from the entire continent of asia? dumb ass LA

  24. Shyla Cadogan says

    Doesn’t taste like soap to me but it’s definitely repulsive and i can’t stand it !! Hahaha

  25. Justice M. Young says

    Cilantro is by far one of the best veggies ever lol

  26. Katie Gurley says

    I don’t mind cilantro in salsa because it’s mixed with a bunch of other stuff but I hate the taste of it if it’s just like sitting on top of a taco or something or by itself.

  27. kakelll says

    noods over dudes

  28. lisa says

    You two were cuties then and still cuties now! I love Bmarsz and her gangster juggalo phase and Chanty has been a cat lady her whole life LOL! Love you two! 💞💕

  29. Gianna Viggiano says

    i HATE cilantro

  30. Kataryna Udrija says

    Dying at Chanty choking 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  31. v0ey says

    Extra cilantro please!

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