Summit English Boarding High School photography program by maxconnect


Friendly Dashboards
We believe that the school management, teachers, students and parents should get relevant and important information on a single screen. Every module in our school management software has user-friendly Dashboard with Graphical Representations, afterall “Brevity is the Soul of Wit”

Our aim is to provide best school management software at minimum cost.
SUmmit English Boarding High School Golpark BUtwal 3 Rupandehi Tel 071 544834 Quality Education To The Great Zenith.

  1. Riwaz subedi says

    Ma eight ma paddy

  2. Prajila Gyawali says

    Nice video ma pani ta hi padachu

  3. Crazy Boy says

    Ma 6a Ma padachu

  4. Crazy Boy says

    Dami cha Bro Ma pani summit E B H school ma padachu

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