1. ••Pwokeikei2630•• DS says

    The boys are good.😁😁

  2. Jim Santos says

    thanks for holding on this video, looking at the old style is different from now,, and me dancing on stage was so stupid,, i truly like your video

  3. marvin weital says

    kepwuriamwei in team pwuka !

  4. Radney Smith says

    Sweet whoever save this video thanks 2u

  5. Radney Smith says

    Sweet whoever save this video thanks 2u

  6. D-wade Ladore says

    Lol guys do the nae nae

  7. Nispeth George says

    i born in 1994, go kapinga

  8. Mash Solomon says

    C'mon pics

  9. Micronesian X says


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