LED Portrait Lighting with Savage Edge Lit Pro LED Light for Studio and Location Stills and Video


Savage Universal built the 12″ x 9″ Savage Edge Lit Pro LED Light for Studio and Location stills and video. In this installment of my LED portrait lighting series I am going to put this continuous lighting to the test and setup portrait lighting both in the studio and on location. All of the studio shots were done in front of Savage Seamless Paper Backgrounds.

The Savage Universal Edge Lit Pro is just 1.5″ without batteries and 2.5″ with them. These led studio lights work on AC power or you can power them with two Sony batteries. It will run for 75 minutes at full power with fully charged batteries.

This LED studio light is a bi-color light that is blendable from 3200k to 5500k which makes it very easy to use these lights for portrait lighting mixed in with other ambient light. They have a CRI of 95 and an output of 1,677 Lumens at three feet which makes it more powerful and a little bigger than some of the units that are getting big buzz right now.

The Edge Lit Pro LED light can be purchased as a single unit and it comes with the AC power cord, two Sony batteries and two chargers. Also included is the rotating light stand adapter, a multi-channel remote control and a padded carry bag

Savage also sells the Edge Lit Pro as a studio lighting kit that comes with two Edge Lit Pros, two rotating light stand adapters, two power cords, four batteries, four chargers, one multi-channel remote control, two Savage 7′ easy-open Drop Stands™ and a padded rolling case.

So if you are looking for great LED lighting that is long lasting – I’m talking 20,000 hours of use with the installed bulbs and eco friendly and super easy to use – I would encourage you to check out these Edge Lit Pro’s from Savage. I am definitely adding them to my lighting arsenal.

15% off Savage Edge Lit PRO Light or Light Kit from HUNT’S Photo and Video:

Savage Edge Lit Pro LED Lights:
Part 1 of my LED Lighting Series:
Part 2 of the LED Lighting Series:
ZOMBIEtographer Video:
How to Shoot Great Portraits in Bright Sunlight:
Sun Surveyor App:


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FTC Disclosure: Savage Universal and Smith Victor/ ProMarkBrands provided lighting equipment shown in this video. No sponsors have paid to be included or mentioned and all words and opinions are my own.
#ishootpeople #joeedelman

  1. Zane Shepherd says

    Hey Joe, I'm just getting into studio lighting and am so glad I found you. I love these videos! Very helpful! I have the Edge Lit Pro 2 light kit. One thing I've struggled with is shadows on the backdrop. Any suggestions for eliminating shadows with 2 lights? Thanks in advance.

  2. Tricia Disandro says

    Joe, do you think it's possible for a studio to be completely flash-free? I shoot primarily families, in studio only, which means a lot of people in the studio and it's always HOT. I really like the idea of cooler lights to keep clients and kids more comfortable. I also like the idea of longer light lifespans being more environmentally responsible. Do you think LEDS have enough power to light groups well enough?

  3. NWC Photography says

    You've sold me on these lights! Just as an FYI the 15% off link you posted is no longer active.

  4. Joe Santacroce says

    I received the Savage last week before seeing this (enjoy the channel – thanks). Like the light but the battery was a cheap NP-F750 replacement (not a Sony) and it won't power up without wiggling the batteries to seat them better and then it powers off unexpectedly until you tap the batteries again. Hate to trash them just for that but advertised as Sony batteries and these just don't seat correctly. I'm wondering if dropping the coin for real Sony Batteries (which sucks) is the answer or just return the lights. They work great on A/C but I bought them to go portable once in a while as well. Thanks again for all the great videos.

  5. Miguel Angel Flores says

    Muy Buena su clase !!! muy interesante y se aprende mucho !!! Muchas gracias Joe por compartir su sabiduría !!! Saludos desde Argentina!

  6. gabriel leite says

    That was what I needed to Get into led light photography. Very informative and simple. What more can I say? Oh, now I am good to go. Let's try it! Thanks again!

  7. FlytoCloudCity says

    You are amazing thank you for your teachings

  8. hey Joe… just wondering if you have an idea of what the total run time is of these lights on the batteries and do you see a fade in the light brightness as the batteries get weaker or do they just hold and then cut out or shut off? thank you for all of the great videos that you have and will be producing. I just came across you recently and I've enjoyed everything I've seen so far

  9. Kevin Atwell says

    Thank you making this Joe. Great video, great instructions

  10. Jacob Gonzalez says

    No zombie here… I didn't skip. Now I accidentally found the "How to Shoot Portraits on Bright Sunlight without… Most addicting photography YouTube channel. Thanks Joe

  11. David Peraza says

    I just found your channel, apart from the review on the lights the tips are so good. Keep it up!

  12. Pascal Payant says

    Do you prefer this for on set filming feature film or you would recommand the spekular led kit that is modular? I’m debating for a new kit of lights

  13. Anthony Alynn says

    First and foremost, I would like to sincerely think you for the amount of time and effort put into these LED series that you've done it has really opened up my eyes to more options to light my portraits. I think the only question or concern I would have is, it seems like you have to have the lights fairly close to the model; about how far away do you think you can place the LEDs until it wouldn't give a good enough light for portraits? Thank you once again for the videos! Subbed.

  14. Donna Martin says

    I just purchased these lights and I have to shoot 1000ISO, F4, shutter speed 100 to get a decent photo. Shooting with a Nikon D4. What do you generally shoot at? I would appreciate feedback from anyone! I tried f2.8 but the depth of field is too shallow. Thanks!

  15. Daniel Gaman says

    Beautiful girl!

  16. Randall Hogan says

    It's the first time I've seen a Joe video and I'm super impressed. Clear, concise, informative, educational and entertaining.

  17. Jai DaMann says

    Good job Joe and Monae…

  18. Josh Blood says

    Joe, you and Monae stepped it up! This video is even more pro than others! Beautiful portraits.

  19. WOW! Joe is going outside again. It's great to see you do that more often (and don't blame it on the weather you ware photojournalist before as I do recall 😉 ). And talking in the outside video "Manny's" style – great idea (as you mentioned many times in his videos 😀 ). I'm sure that that kind of (also going outside) videos will bring you more audience since many people are outside shooters.
    PS. I thought that 100K subs will be a great Christmas present for you but it seems you'll get it much sooner since you already have 94 240. GREAT WORK JOE. KEEP IT UP!

  20. Michael Gara says

    Hey Joe! Thanks for the info. Been hesitating about adding LED's to my kit.
    I'm fairly sure that the Smith Victor ring light is a rebadge of the cheaper Chinese versions… Of course local warranty and support is worth something!

  21. JAustin Beeman says

    Another video HIT OUTTA THE PARK! Good solid information as well as a nice gear review! Savage was smart to use the Sony type video battery….inexpensive, easy to find, known performance! Thanks for the motivation Joe!

  22. April Heckemeyer says

    My videographer had a couple of these at the weddings we shot this weekend. He offered to let me try it out on Saturday during the reception and I liked it so much I ganked it from him for the reception on Sunday, lol.

  23. alberto cabrera says

    Amazing review and tutorial. Thank you so much for showing how you used these lights.

  24. Troy Hall says

    I wonder how many people noticed the most important accessory in the shots… AQUANET!

  25. jrdutoit photography says

    I really like the idea behind LED panels, makes it look like it will be so much easier to use than lugging around speedlights and softboxes and all those things to go do headshots and the likes at a clients office.

  26. László Ezer says

    Thank you, Joe! That's was very information video!

  27. pirate9882 says

    Joe the pictures at sunset are simply AWESOME!!!! This model is also very very beautiful!

  28. Stop Down Gallery says

    Love when you use live models!

  29. Grant Seymour says

    As usual, Joe, you're doing such great work! Thanks for showing us about these impressive lights and, again, providing an education along with it.

  30. Yang Ji says

    Admire your work.

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