1. VlogUnicorn Brian says

    The guy was putting up the middle finger

  2. Mikeymikemike says

    I visited Char Lee last year when I was in Seoul and he is very kind and accomodating. We chatted photograpy and I casually gave English lessons to one of his staff. Thanks for bringing back the fond memories!

  3. Chelsea Truong says

    Lina hosted on showbiz korea right?

  4. 마.고.새. Masked Kitty says

    I love the sentence under the restaurant title Churro 101 XD Did you go in?

  5. Andrew Walk says

    I am half korean.

  6. Psychosis says

    If Gwang-Soo was a girl, he would look just like your friend in the video .

  7. Van Vo says

    Camera guy now

  8. Rinielle 아리엘 Choi says

    Very Cool

  9. Dani TV says

    his work seems really cool!

  10. jhangelgurl says

    There seems to be sooo many cafe's in Korea (at least in Seoul) how do they all stay in business?! :O This is such a unique cafe I would love to visit! Super cool you got to interview him.

  11. Elivan Kook says

    안녕하세요! I just wanted to say I really enjoy your videos and I think you are a very funny chick and of course lovey and beautiful and smart…. 🙂 감사합니다 for your lovey videos and  looking forward to see more of them! 안녕!

  12. Mari Porvichová says

    Lina is really beautiful.

  13. Coffee lovercc says

    wow very cool

  14. louis martinez says

    Craving some donuts and coffee right now mhmmm. Good vid

  15. ddino17 says

    I like that this cafe is very true to the owner's personality.

  16. 0lllUZ says

    Uhhhh ima let you finish Lina, but YOOOOONAH and JUDYYYY have the greatest videos of alll time ! ! 

  17. akidin06 says

    now I know where I've seen her…

  18. Vminhope says

    Visit You Are Here Cafe please!!!!

  19. Gerri says

    Linaaaaaaaa, hehe, i love seeing your friends professor Oh! and most importantly i love seeing you too!! haha, love these videos 🙂

  20. Lance Heu says

    Lol he is too tall you can't see his face at the end

  21. Hunter V. says

    Wait… if we did the pledge and we gave 250 or more one… does that still include the behind the scenes video? O.o

  22. DieWundeBliebt says

    Wow he seems like a really interesting person and that coffee shop has a cool vibe!! Def one of my favorite KWOW's. Thanks for sharing!!

  23. grimslider75 says

    Woooo, You guys are awesome for giving this spot the spotlight! I'll definitely check it out, as soon as I plan my 1st trip to Korea, that is!


  24. Katie Allis says

    haha Churros are better than boyfriends. : P

  25. Jesse K says

    Awesome you got an interview with him, he's a very good storyteller and the photos were beautiful.  Showing that side of South Korea is amazing so thank you!  Keep up the great videos!

  26. mattygaga2013 says

    Professor Oh I'm dying for a reply off you you're like super famous to me and better still you're fantastic and I have a crush on you! Oh just one hello or 안녕 would make my life almost complete!!!! Xxxxxxxxx

  27. Antonio Manriquez says

    You should visit You Are Here café!

  28. mattygaga2013 says

    Professor Oh I'm dying for a reply off you you're like super famous to me and better still you're fantastic and I have a crush on you! Oh just one hello or 안녕 would make my life almost complete!!!! Xxxxxxxxx

  29. soshisoju says

    yes , finally ive been waiting for an upload !! (:

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