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This photo booth was super awkward but we love funny family photos!
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We are Cory & Kristen Williams and in August 2014 we made the long drive from Southern California to Alaska to move into our new home in Eagle River. Here we’ve had the chance to explore Alaska, experience lots of wild events, meet lots of great people and endure the extreme temperatures that the north is known for. On December 20th, 2014 we got engaged after our Polar Plunge under the Northern Lights then later married by our favorite lake on May 23rd, 2015. Then on June 23rd, 2016 we had our first child. A baby girl named Chell.
► LiveEachDay / DudeLikeHELLA Intro by Cory Williams
► LiveEachDay Outro by Projected Twin (Shaun Holton)

OTHER FEATURED MUSIC (provided by Opus 1 Music):
cyml1010_04 Xenic Mystery
zik304_01 A Cat In A Bath
zik304_05 A Funny Day
zik304_13 We Love Nature
• Business Contact • [email protected]

  1. Niki Phan says

    People from California will always have high standards for Mexican food. Such as my husband who is from San Diego who is constantly looking for good Mex food in Texas.

  2. Myrn Yocom says


  3. MusicandRedDevilsfanatic says

    What Cory said at the end about Chell was the most precious thing I've ever heard a father say about his daughter.<3

  4. Jane Smith says

    Even when she breaks your heart and says she hates you and can't stand you and you never loved her anyways, you are still gonna be crazy insanely in love with her! Sorry Cory but that is the truth!

  5. Charlene Ballou says

    I have to put in my 2 cents here about the gas situation. Midnight Emergency…wife…baby…oh gee, not enough gas to get to the emergency room. It is cheaper to run off the top of the tank than it is to run off the bottom of the tank. We learned our lesson early on. I've been watching your vlog since you got to Alaska and this is my first negative comment and it's not really negative. It is by far better to be safe than sorry. I'm a grandma and I'm wondering how both grandmas feel about this situation.

  6. Robin Luther says

    My babies are 32 and 25… They never STOP being your babies… You will look at her face and see all the ages and all the changes and all the things that stayed exactly the same. That's being a parent… And that's love.

  7. Neko Natsumi says

    Press b repeatedly to stop her from evolving x'D

  8. nitroxide91 says

    Can you be my dad too Corey? Jk real dad you are cool too.

  9. TheYizuman says

    Some of the stuff I can't eat anymore at my age (50s) gives me really, really bad gas. I mean painful gas. But I sure do miss the awesome taste of it. sighs!

  10. Kathleen Brashier says

    My oldest is 15 now, and I know exactly what you mean, Cory. I look at his smiling baby face in photos and am thankful he's mine. So glad you and Kristen are enjoying Chell's baby moments.

  11. martinha martinha says

    i love this family too…

  12. Andrew Burton-Fullick says

    Your both great parents, Cory your an amazing dad and your little girl is definitely a daddies girl who will always love you.

  13. Samantha Karnes says

    I wasn't too impressed with Bear Mountain Grill either… Too bad ER doesn't have more to offer in terms of breakfast places.

  14. Mel Arky says

    Messages to Future Cory Williams!

    You doofus!

  15. Sana Emam says

    your baby eye is like a gallery 👶👶👶👶👶👶👀👀👀👀

  16. Cassie Johnson says

    I am so mad! Someone has stolen your Make Poop Song. Posted as "Make Poop Song" under BD Gaming! Unless you gave them permission.

  17. Cinthya D. Puspitasari says

    please make more vlog with baby chel. i love her cheeks so much. she's so cute with that overload cheeks 😍😍

  18. Maleehah Khodabaccus says

    just imagine when Chell will be 15 or 18 years old and she will watch this video or react to it!!!!
    she 'd be in tears!!! This will be the best thing ever. :*
    P.S guys I love you soooo much!!! XXX

  19. Christina Myers says

    We ate at Bear Mountain grill back in June when we visited ER and we weren't impressed either. We didn't get the buffet. And they messed our order up which was no biggie, they fixed it right away. We really wanted to like it😒 So we could have a go to spot when we move there. We prob will give it another try later on though.

    Chell is growing so fast! Love your sweet family. 💖

  20. Time n' Space Gaming says

    those cute laughs omg, at 8:07 it's like you're already laughing at the future her watching that lol. happy for you corey have been watching for a long time.

  21. Sceppie says

    The best is yet to come Cory, just wait till the first time she cuddles back. 😉

  22. LAvenus79 says

    +LiveEachDay To answer your question, Cory: spend time with them especially when they need you the most. That's how you keep them from growing apart with you.

  23. giraffe9752 says

    I feel like at this time in Alaska the sun is always in the "golden hour" state where the sun is at the perfect spot to get some nice photos, so keep up with those shots Cory! Cant wait to see more on your Etsy shop!

  24. dagman85 says

    Such a great vlog! Cory I'm sure you will constantly be discovering new levels of joy in fatherhood that you had no idea are possible. With change comes the opportunity to find new aspects of life to fall in love with.

  25. Island gyal Jay-cay says

    I'm 48 and my mom says no matter how old I get, I'll always be her baby 🙂

  26. cameothecat322 says

    are you going to add "LiveEachDay" shirts to your "DudeLikeHella" store?

  27. capesummergirl says

    That hat! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  28. Maddie Koester says

    Cory, take Chell to Neverland! She never grow up there! 😄😘

  29. Cindy Fogle says

    I cringe whenever my gas gauge hovers above a quarter tank and immediately start looking for a gas station haha.

  30. Gary Klingelsmith says

    For safety reasons, you should ALWAYS fill up when tank is 1/2 full. Never know when gas won't be readily available. I know, it makes too much sense.

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