Wedding Album Revealed In-Person: First look with Bride and Groom


Rochester wedding album revealed in-person with Bride and Groom at a photographer client meeting. Heather McKay designs wedding albums for her wedding clients with posterity and generations in mind. Each photographer client meeting is in-person so I can see the reactions on my Bride and Groom’s faces as they look through their wedding album for the very first time.

The Bride’s parents look through the wedding album and notice pictures they have never seen before.

Their final wedding album design has bride and groom first look photos, family portraits, urban bridal party poses, and a Jewish wedding ceremony in front of a brewery.

Wedding album was designed using Pixellu Smart Albums design software.

I’m a business mentor for creatives who struggle with charging what they are worth. They know they need to value their time and work by raising their prices but worry about scaring away customers. I help them confidently attract the right clients and increase their sales.

My specialty is in helping you streamline your In-Person Sales and creating books and tangible items for our clients! Albums are my jam! I looooooove creating and selling albums.

If you are ready to switch from digitals based photography business to a product based business, which increases your sales 50% or more, take my FREE class to learn how to convince your clients.

One-on-one coaching is currently available.

Find me online anywhere you hang out:

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  1. Duhitzamber says

    hey I am a new subscriber and I was wondering if you could make another what is in my camera bag. I love your videos and I want to be a photographer.

  2. Heather McKay says

    If you are a photographer and are interested in starting IPS and designing wedding albums for your clients, here is my FREE course on 2 little tweaks to get you started:

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