Professional Portrait Skin Retouching in Lightroom Workflow (1/2)


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Who Am I?
My name’s Nick, I’m a New York City photographer and filmmaker. For this channel, I make Lightroom Tutorials, Photoshop Tutorials, and also document my life. I love teaching, and sharing experiences with my audience.

On My Tutorials:

This Tutorial is applicable to all new versions of Photoshop and Lightroom, though Adobe Photoshop/Lightroom CC is recommended due to its UI improvements and performance efficiency.

This video teaches the fundamentals of Photoshop, Lightroom, and Photography through engaging tutorials that help new users and long-time experts learn through using specific tools within the programs, all while also explaining why it is used.

My Photoshop Tutorials, Lightroom Tutorials, and Photography Tutorials are always being made, if you have any suggestions feel free to comment below, and I’ll try my best to make it happen!

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  1. Gabriel Alejandro says

    U can fix that scratch in the skin more easly if u change the "clone" tool to "heal" instead if "clone" 🙂


    Tnk U

  3. German Almaraz says

    looks like shit

  4. Obja Studios says

    good tutorial

  5. Jesse B. says

    I don't understand why photographers don't brush most of the hair off the face. Some
    hair is OK but if it goes over the eye and lips, it will always be there.

  6. wil says

    it looks like someone asked her to smell their finger. must smell pretty damn good

  7. James Lane says

    Hi, I can't open the Lightroom adjustment brush presets? How do I do it? Thanks!

  8. Sarahmc says

    Hey! I've been looking everywhere. Do you have a link to the teeth whitening preset for adjustment tool? thanks!

  9. josemiguelphoto says

    Thanks Nick! I appreciate your work!

  10. Nick Keil says

    Heya! To clarify: this video's to show you how I retouch a photo & what prep I do in lightroom before I edit it in photoshop. It's a two part episode; the PHOTOSHOP side of it is coming out on tuesday! Gonna do some fun stuff with frequency separation and such 🙂

  11. Alex Lopez says

    Love this

  12. Francisco Hestnes says

    You can't imagine how long I've waited for this. Thank you very much. I will now let all advertising play until the end.. 🙂

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