How to Get Perfect Exposures in One Shot | Photography 101


Check out how we can get a perfect exposure in one shot using Spot Metering and Manual Mode! If you’re looking to improve your photography basics with these tutorials and tips, be sure to continue watching our videos!

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  1. Tom Thomas says

    Garbage misleading

  2. The Two Perspectives says

    She wanted to be shot with a D850 bit he brought a cheap ass entry level d5×× 😆

  3. Danny Salcido says

    This guy looks and talks like Louis Rossmann

  4. Veselin Vasilev says

    Thank you!

  5. Go Wild Geese says

    What about metering on Sony a6500 with a manual lens such as helios?

  6. Brandon__9 says

    So my spot metering point is at the center focus point. What do you do if where you’re metering is not the same spot you want your focus to be?

  7. Cookie Bite says

    bitch face

  8. Reza Shahsavary says

    thx!but how you do you know what the correct Shutter number ?
    P.S I use Nikon D7200

  9. Rafael Maclara says

    Wow, this was great tutorial. I love the tips. Moreover, the shooting after the tips were great. It kind of made me feel like I was on a field assignment learning from a master. It was excellent to watch your interaction with the model. I learn about spot metering and how to interact with a live subject/ model. Thank you for your tutorials.

  10. Thelema says

    The most bored model in the world.

  11. UFGator1972 says

    What is the deal with looking away from the camera? Once is okay but you seem to do it in every video, ridiculous!

  12. Eva PM says

    I’ve seen many many behind the scene shoots, and I have to say this is one model I did not care to watch. She looked as if she didn’t even want to be there. Very boring

  13. Very informative

  14. Luxyeri says

    he's annoying

  15. Cremonster says

    Too bad I shoot film haha, but having a deep understanding of light helps me out a lot

  16. Waleed Mughal says

    There is some problem between photographer and model. He is annoying her and insulting her.

  17. Fellipe Rodrigues says

    amazing tutorial and model btw

  18. MotleySchu says

    How am I gonna take advise from a video about Perfect Exposure…WHEN THE VIDEO IS BLOWN OUT. Cmon bruhhhhh look at them trees in the background.

  19. T Morrison says

    She looks like she HATES you. lol

  20. 50VGA says

    Amazing and so helpful!

  21. Chris Corbin says

    Nothing wrong with spot meter in semi auto modes if you use exposure lock..

  22. Alfredo Parsons says

    Cringey as hell learn to talk to your models

  23. David Nelson says

    Thank you for this! I've watched several technical tutorials that were so cluttered with information it didn't "click" with me….now it has! This has been extremely helpful!

  24. SeanP7195 says

    Dude if you don't stop with the shitty jokes I'm going to beat you with your own shoes.

  25. nepotiums says

    What lens are you using here? Also is the spot metering good for taking indoor profile shots?

  26. Anthony says

    A lot of talk about "spot metering" but not actually showing us how to spot meter. I'm having a hard time understanding your videos because you explain things as if we already know what youre talking about. Maybe break it down a bit more for the beginners such as myself? Thanks.

  27. Jason jamie says

    Worst teaching ever….you talked a lot but no want can understand what you are really doing with your camera. I wish you demonstrate metering as you talked because that will be more helpful to understand what you really trying to say…no offense…this video is useless for beginners…there is nothing to learn from this video, except talking a lot ….

  28. Ron Gerris says

    Oh WOW, she can smile as well

  29. Jraj Solanki says

    That model ❤️

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