Artist Creates Incredible Photo-realistic Pencil Drawings


Artist Creates Incredible Photo-realistic Pencil Drawings


This young artist has only been drawing for three years – but wields a pencil with the skill of an accomplished draftsman. Marcel Kiss, from Male Trakany in eastern Slovakia, has been wowing his hometown with his mind-blowingly photorealistic pencil portraits of Hollywood actors. The 22-year-old has had no formal art training and only started drawing in 2010 as a way of alleviating boredom, but his sketches of the likes of Robert Downey Jr and Christopher Walken are winning him admirers across the globe.

Videographer / Director: Robert Nemeti
Producer: Tom Midlane
Editor: Joshua Douglas

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  1. Delicious Bro says

    Nani !! I have found my greatest competition

  2. Adnan Raksha says

    He'll go places

  3. Solo Christo says

    There should be NO negative comments here people. Wake up. This man is more than great.

  4. Solo Christo says

    It’s a gift from our Creator. You cannot teach this type of talent.

  5. sslredes ert says

    Unbelievable job congrats! I love science, mechanical, electronical, chemistry, math… and all types of art, visual, audible, I feel like a polymath I am really interested in beginning to draw.

  6. Krishnendu Bhattacharya says

    Nice drawing. Very nice.
    I am also draw. I want to contact and make friendship with him. Please tell me, what can I do…

  7. Adnan Raksha says

    Only 3 years. I don't believe.

  8. Lori Owens says

    They are all good. I like the one also with the sunglasses. ❤️

  9. Yadu Raj says

    Can u plz suggest me some pencils that u used

  10. Teri Omastova says

    Slovakia ❤️

  11. Angel Le (995AngLe) says

    I wish I can do that. I wish I can make my goals to do that ❤️

  12. falcon makers says

    nice work

  13. Johnny Kaj says

    that is what you call art beautiful just beautiful that is how i want to draw one day

  14. Fairy Lady says

    You can draw great things with pencils but people want oil paintings because, I think. of the resale value.

  15. Kurosaki Ichigo says

    sir wat pencil u use wat grade?

  16. Boris Yepes says


  17. Msw .9 says

    I'm working like hell to get there

  18. Bekah Hejnal says

    I'm kind of like this guy. I'm just not quite as talented as he is. I hope I get this good one day.

  19. Mr.Shaez Qasim says

    how does he preserve his sketches??!! the big question 😛

  20. Mundo Dos Desenhos says

    galera vejam meu último vídeo do Ash Semi-Realista (Pokémon) se gostarem se inscrevam no canal !! vlw

  21. charles mcinnis says

    38 dislikes from people who don't respect art and its purity.

  22. Orlando freitas says

    veja o meu canal de desenhos Realistas

  23. Deborah Martin says

    Who is the guy at 0:29?

  24. Yan Wong says


  25. Max White says

    Don't get me wrong, the guy is good and I'd be happy to be as good as him but he's not quite in the "I refuse to believe that came out of a pencil"-category. Even though some of the presented works are getting there, the quality of what was shown is quite mixed, I guess some are older and some are newer pieces and he's still developing.

  26. Jade Welch says

    When I saw them I literally said "Wow! That's amazing" out loud. I would love to be able to draw, bit even my stick men go dodgy lol.

  27. Alex Casillas says

    What is the last name of the artist ? did not get his last name… thanks

  28. Robo Hans says

    I read some hater comments, and i have to say something. Yes, its a copy, its a superrealistic copy. Yes its the same generically picture, but the drawings are all different. Every single picture of this realistic copies is different to each other. And this little differences make sure that this is artwork. you cant see it at the first time, but if you take time you can see it clear.

  29. Man Horse says

    the glare is real on this one

  30. Bruce Ramsey says

    I had a female friend who did this sort of thing.  She also liked dressing up like Darth Vader or Batman.

  31. Vladimir Gnatenko says

    very nice!

  32. LittleOtaku says

    You should see my friends.. shes a sketcher

  33. Mitchell Micallef says

    yeah now tell him to draw something from his imagination…. thats the real test. so many artists now days copy photos onto a canvas or paper. Don't get me wrong some of the work is amazing but what comes to my mind is…. isn't that what photocopiers are for?  

  34. urgulp says

    My envy-sense is tingling

  35. Alba Whiteman says

    good copyist, but can he draw people in 3D or human figures from memory like the old masters did …?  Drawing from photos is ok if that is all you want to achieve. The trouble is that a camera is monocular not binocular, as is our human vision. It tends to flatten images out especially with telephoto lenses.Look at old master drawings_they are definitely more convincing as art works. What is the point to draw like a camera when we don't actually see the world like that. ?

  36. Jojo Capone says

    Dead pan, they've always had books to teach u how to draw, but ppl still go to art school for training. By your logic, nobody should have ever went to art school, just use books to teach them. Books can only teach u so much, some things are interpreted better when they are taught by a person.

  37. Dredd says

    I don't think the term "no formal art training" is valid in this age. You can teach yourself to draw and paint by just following a few tutorials online , getting some books and putting that into practice. Of course as a bonus, you get free and valuable feedback from other artists if you share your work online. Perhaps much better than going to an art school as long as you have the discipline to do it yourself.

  38. Karen Smith says

    Amazing work. Luv the very detailed work. I can see that each piece means a lot, because you put so much into them. Beautiful……

  39. Bleu Rose says

    My work could probably meet some of these standards but of course it's not acknowledged, the life of a 16 year old self taught artist….

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