1. Greyhound Rick says

    Hi Phil, great video! How do you like the auto focus in the Z6 vs. some of the DSLRs you’ve used? Take care, Rick

  2. Tim Phillips says

    Curious to know at what shutter speed could you freeze the bat and ball in those lighting conditions ? I imagine you would have to crank up the ISO to an unacceptable value ?

  3. Mike Bahr says

    Hi Phil…. I Shoot baseball weekly, and have also started using the Z6 with my 70-200 FL lens The fence i have is never an issue unless the Focal range is under 100mm or i have light reflecting of it… aperture has no effect since i also use a 200-500mm F5.6 on my D3s with no fence issues at 5.6. Personally i tend to lock my ISO at around 200-400 on Aperture priority and let the shutter set it self. If its not fast enough then i boost the ISO. At f2.8 on a sunny day with ISO 100 i get from 1/2000 upwards of second which helps freeze the bat and balls so much better. Everything else we do the same and i find im getting some really great results. Thanks for the video.

  4. Cecil Ramsey says

    Hi Phil.. Another interesting video. I also use my Z6 for sports along side my d500. I really like the results….. I'm luck enough to get inside the fence for College softball

  5. Brian Kushner says

    That lens is 70-200???

  6. Rob Kramer says

    Focusing performance across the board?

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